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Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Geowissenschaften
Lehrstuhl Allgemeine und Angewandte Mineralogie
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
07745 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07745 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Moving nappes as the sources of fluids, energy, and metals for ore mineralizations
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Thermodynamics of the natural assemblages of Ni-Co-Mn-Cu-Fe-Zn arsenates
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Completed projects
Alternatives for arsenic storage in waste forms - Thermodynamics of selected Fe,Al arsenates
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Antimony isotope fractionation and thermodynamics during oxidative weathering of stibnite ores
Lazarov, Marina
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Antimony weathering products in mine wastes: A case study in Pezinok (Slovakia)
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Arsenic speciation in mining wastes - case studies in systems dominated by ferric sulfo-arsenates
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Constraints on age and origin of hydrothermal deposits in major crustal units of the Western Carpathians
Kiefer, Stefan
Copper sulfates, phosphates, and arsenates as pollution containers and vectors
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Crystallography and crystal chemistry of Fe-Al-Cu sulfates related to pollution created by acidic waters
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Die Entstehungsprozesse der Sulfidminerale und Goldspeziation in diesen Mineralen
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Environmental mobility of tin
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Erstellung eines intern konsistenten thermodynamischen Datensatzes für das 5-Komponentensystem CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O: Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen
Grevel, Klaus-Dieter
Ferrihydrite as a powerful scavenger of As: A thermochemical and a field study
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Internally consistent thermodynamic dataset for divalent metal sulfate minerals
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Intern konsistente thermodynamische Daten für Turmaline
Grevel, Klaus-Dieter
Mineralogical Sinks for Antimony in Highly Contaminated Soils
Gieré, Reto
Partitioning of In, Ga, and Sc between aqueous phase and secondary ferric minerals
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Precious-metal ore mineralizations in central Slovak volcanic field
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Structural incorporation and thermodynamic properties of Mo6+ in iron oxides and their role in Mo immobilization in soils
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Structural incorporation mechanisms of Cr6+, Cu2+, and Ni2+ in hematite (alpha-Fe2O3)
Bolanz, Ralph
The nature of micro- and nanocrystalline weathering products of sulfidic ores rich in As and Sb
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Thermodynamics and crystal chemistry of copper arsenates
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Thermodynamics and phase equilibria in the complex acid mine drainage systems
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Thermodynamics of selected hydrothermal minerals of As and Sb
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Thermodynamics of the minerals of the jarosite group
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Röntgenfluoreszenz Analyse (Mikro-RFA)
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Orogenic Sb-Au deposits as archives of fractionation and hydrothermal activity in space and time
Lazarov, Marina
Majzlan, Ph.D., Juraj
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1257: Alteration and Element Mobility at the Microbe-mineral Interface
Kothe, Erika
Additional Information
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