GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Helmholtz-Institut Jena
Fröbelstieg 3
07743 Jena
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Completed projects
First steps towards atomic physics of fast ion-slow ion collisions
Gumberidze, Alexandre
Stöhlker, Thomas
Hyperfine structure and g factor in heavy ions: test of QED in strong fields
Volotka, Andrey V.
Investigation of shock waves and fluid flows which are generated by short and ultrashort intense laser pulses within a small volume (lateral dimension less than 10 micron, mostly micro channels)
Garen, Walter
Teubner, Ulrich
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2783: Probing the Quantum Vacuum at the High-Intensity Frontier
Gies, Holger
Vacuum birefringence
Karbstein, Felix
Ruhl, Hartmut
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2051: Balance of the Microverse
Brakhage, Axel
Küsel, Kirsten