Technische Universität Dresden
Institut für Nachrichtentechnik
Professur für Hochfrequenztechnik
Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01187 Dresden
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Integrated THz time-domain spectrometer for space applications - Phase 2 (ITISA2)
Gensch, Michael
Kampfrath, Tobias
Plettemeier, Dirk
Completed projects
On-Chip Integrated Distributed Amplifier and Antenna Systems in SiGe BiCMOS for Ultra-Large-Bandwidth Transmitters (DAAB-Tx)
Ellinger, Frank
Plettemeier, Dirk
Talbot effect based carrier generation with phase noise suppression – Tabasco
Plettemeier, Dirk
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Antennas and Characterization for Adaptive Wireless Backplane Communication
(Project Head
Plettemeier, Dirk
Monolithic Photonic Transceiver for On-board Optical Communication
(Project Head
Jamshidi, Ph.D., Kambiz
Research Grants
Current projects
Near-field Enhanced Optomechanical NAnoresonators – NEONA
Plettemeier, Dirk
Reuter, Danny
Photonic Reservoir Computing enabled by Active Silicon Micro-Rings
Jamshidi, Ph.D., Kambiz
Pachnicke, Stephan
Towards Scalable Ising Machines in Silicon using CMOS-based Photonic Integrated Circuits
Jamshidi, Ph.D., Kambiz
Lienig, Jens
Completed projects
Active Probe for On-Wafer SiGe HBT Device Characterization up 750 GHz (APSiCa)
Plettemeier, Dirk
Schröter, Michael
Enhancing Nonlinear Kerr effect in Silicon Nitride Waveguides
Jamshidi, Ph.D., Kambiz
Integrated solutions for optical orbital angular momentum multiplexed transceiver
Plettemeier, Dirk
Massive MIMO Ultra-Efficient Transmission
Jorswieck, Eduard Axel
Plettemeier, Dirk
Silicon-on-Insulator based Integrated Optical Frequency Combs for Microwave, THz and Optics
Jamshidi, Ph.D., Kambiz
Schneider, Thomas
Current projects
Wireless communication systems for the data transmission of integrated sensors in future road systems
(Project Head
Plettemeier, Dirk
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Measurement-Platform for Ultra-High Data-Rates (MORE)