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Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Professur für Allgemeine Psychologie
01062 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01062 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Localizing individual steps of stimulus-response transformations in the human brain with highly parameterized models
Ruge, Hannes
Completed projects
Assisting engineering design by sketching
Jahn, Frauke
Einfluss der Tiefen Hirnstimulation des Nucleus subthalamicus auf die Verarbeitung von Belohnungsreizen bei Patienten mit idiopathischen Parkinsonsyndrom
Lüken, Ulrike
Schläpfer, Thomas Eduard
Modularität und Integration beim impliziten Lernen sequentieller Strukturen
Goschke, Thomas
Regulation of Craving: Stress-challenge and re-exposure effects
Endrass, Tanja
Sucht als Volitionsstörung: Beeinträchtigungen kognitiver Kontrollfunktionen bei Substanzstörungen am Beispiel der Nikotinabhängigkeit
Goschke, Thomas
The Continuous Goal Dynamics of Cognitive Control: Combining Behavioral Experiments and Dynamic Field Modelling.
Scherbaum, Stefan
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Dynamic Interactions between Complementary Components of Executive Control: Combination of Behavioral Experiments and Functional Neuroimaging
Goschke, Thomas
Gruber, Oliver
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Aging and neuromodulation of forward planning under uncertainty
(Project Heads
Goschke, Thomas
Li, Ph.D., Shu-Chen
Smolka, Michael
Thurm, Franka
Central tasks of the Collaborative Research Centre
(Project Head
Goschke, Thomas
Emotional modulation of cognitive control: Effects of positive affect and reward cues on the stability-flexibility balance
(Project Heads
Bolte, Annette
Goschke, Thomas
Ruge, Hannes
Mechanisms of self-control: The role of anticipated emotions and future thinking in reward regulation
(Project Heads
Goschke, Thomas
Korb, Franziska
Walter, Henrik
Wolfensteller, Uta
Neurobehavioral mechanisms of shielding and shifting of intentions
(Project Heads
Goschke, Thomas
Haynes, John-Dylan
Möschl, Marcus
Walser, Moritz
SFB 940: Volition and Cognitive Control: Mechanisms, Modulators and Dysfunctions
Goschke, Thomas
The intrinsic value of self-control
(Project Heads
Job, Veronika
Korb, Franziska
Towards a neurocomputational account of meta-control based on Bayesian inference in a context-specific hierarchy of time scales
(Project Heads
Goschke, Thomas
Kiebel, Stefan
Volitional dysfunction in self-control failures and addictive behaviors
(Project Heads
Bühringer, Gerhard
Goschke, Thomas
Smolka, Michael
Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich
Current projects
State-dependent dynamics of cognitive functioning as mediating mechanisms of drinking behavior
(Project Heads
Deserno, Lorenz
Goschke, Thomas
Smolka, Michael
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2773: Risks and Pathomechanisms of Affective Disorders
Bauer, Michael
Additional Information
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