Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ)
Department 3
Sektion 3.7: Geomikrobiologie
14473 Potsdam
This institution in GERiT
14473 Potsdam
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
BioMetArchive - Subsurface biosphere metagenomics along the 1 Ma sedimentary archive of ferruginous Lake Towuti, Indonesia.
Vuillemin, Aurèle
Probing the roots of the Bushveld Complex: drilling through the lower zones into the intrusive floor
Haase, Karsten Matthias
Kallmeyer, Jens
Completed projects
Exploring microbial sulphate reduction under high temperature and pressure
Kallmeyer, Jens
Formation of authigenic minerals associated with microbial activity in ferruginous sediments, Lake Towuti
Vuillemin, Aurèle
Genomic Explorations into the Microbial Metabolisms of an Active Rift System
Lipus, Daniel
Geomicrobiology of Fe-rich sediments of Lake Towuti
Kallmeyer, Jens
Improving the quantification of microbial cell abundances in subseafloor sediments through a combination of newly developed cell extraction and automated cell enumeration techniques
Kallmeyer, Jens
Investigation of microbial ecosystems and their turnover processes in the sediments of the saline, alkaline Lake Van as part of the ICDP Drilling Project - PaleoVan -
Kallmeyer, Jens
Life at its limits: The deep biosphere of the West Antarctic continental margin
Bauersachs, Thorsten
Kallmeyer, Jens
Schwark, Lorenz
Quantification of microbial cells and extracellular DNA abundance in South Pacific Gyre sediments (IODP Exp 329). Evaluation of extracellular DNA as a nutrient source
Kallmeyer, Jens
Quantifizierung der mikrobiellen Zelldichte in tiefen Sedimenten des äquatorialen Pazifiks (IODP Leg 320/321)
Kallmeyer, Jens
ThermoSill - Effects of local heating due to sill intrusion on subsurface sedimentary microbial activity
Kallmeyer, Jens
Research Grants
Current projects
Ecological succession of soil microbial communities in landslide chronosequences in New Zealand’s Southern Alps
Rasigraf, Olivia
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1364: Shaping the Earth's Surface in a Variable Environment: Interactions between Tectonics, Climate and Biosphere in the African-Asian Monsoonal Region
Strecker, Ph.D., Manfred