Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik (IMTEK)
Professur für Mikroaktorik
Georges-Köhler-Allee 102
79110 Freiburg
This institution in GERiT
79110 Freiburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Aberration correction for real-time measurements in adaptive confocal microscopy
Czarske, Jürgen W.
Scholz, Stefan
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Completed projects
Aberration correction for real-time measurements in adaptive confocal microscopy
Czarske, Jürgen W.
Scholz, Stefan
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Functional magnetoinductive wave devices for wireless power transfer: MiWaves
Suárez Sandoval, Fralett
Magnetic levitation and transport of micro objects using solenoidal microcoil arrays
Badilita, Vlad
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Microaxicons for ultrashort Wave packets III - MAXWELL III
Grunwald, Rüdiger
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Microaxicons for ultrashort wave packets II MAXWELL II
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Priority Programmes
Current projects
ADOPT - Adaptive Optics for THz
Ament, Christoph
Bechtold, Tamara
Hoffmann, Martin
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Completed projects
Biomimetisches hyperspektrales Kunstauge auf der Basis von Effizenz adaptiven Gittern und Linsen aus Elastomeren (EAGLE II)
Brunner, Robert
Korvink, Jan Gerrit
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
An autonomous, multi-cuvettes laser-spectrometer system to study leaf photosynthetic isotope discrimination, CO2 exchange and volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions
(Project Heads
Haberstroh, Simon
Schmitt, Katrin
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Werner, Christiane
Antibiofouling and Antisoiling Coatings
(Project Heads
Comella, Laura Maria
Prucker, Oswald
Rühe, Jürgen
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Woias, Peter
Joint Research Platform
(Project Heads
Christen, Andreas
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Weiler, Markus
Werner, Christiane
Remote assessment of chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) as indicator for canopy vitality using UAVs with robust lightweight instrumentation
(Project Heads
Göritz, Anna
Koch, Barbara
Reiterer, Alexander
Wallrabe, Ulrike
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1322: Micro Energy Harvesting
Woias, Peter
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1086: BrainLinks-BrainTools
Burgard, Wolfram