Universität Münster
Fachbereich 06 - Erziehungswissenschaft und Sozialwissenschaften
Institut für Soziologie
Scharnhorststraße 121
48151 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48151 Münster
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Working conditions, work stress and alcohol consumption
Puls, Wichard
Research Grants
Current projects
Religion as a resource at the level of local politics. A study on the implementation of migration policies with religious references using the example of Frankfurt am Main
Babacan, Errol
Completed projects
Curated Shopping - problems of action and typification of purchase advices online
Eisewicht, Paul
Der Wandel der Ehe in der multikulturellen Gesellschaft Gibraltars
Wienold, Hanns
Islamic Theology at German Universities. An empirical Research on Islamic experts in Germany
Tezcan, Levent
Requirements for the development of angency within special social backgrounds and ways of life
Grundmann, Matthias
Scientific Networks
Completed projects
Das heuristische Potential nationaler Modellvorstellungen für das Verständnis und den internationalen Vergleich von Migrations- und Integrationspolitiken
Michalowski, Ines
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Current projects
Further development and consolidation of the open access journal "Sociology and Sustainability" (SuN) -Decentralization, internationalization, transdisciplinarity
Grundmann, Matthias
Henkel, Anna
Jaeger-Erben, Melanie
Sommer, Bernd
Research Units
Current projects
Efficient and identity-enhancing law enforcement in the municipality of a mid-sized town ("Law enforcement")
Scholta, Hendrik
FOR 5393: The future smart town
Becker, Jörg
Trust management in the digital mid-sized town
Brandt, Tobias
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 706: Cultural Hermeneutics: Reflections of Difference and Transdifference
Kauffmann, Clemens