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Universität Münster
Institut für Landschaftsökologie
Heisenbergstraße 2
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
E=OC^2 – Energy resolves Organic Carbon Complexity in anoxic waters
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Lau, Ph.D., Maximilian Peter
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
Microbial controls of fen peatland carbon turnover (MicroFen)
Hinzke, Tjorven
Hüttel, Bruno
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Probabilistic Modeling of Long-term Peatland Carbon Dynamics
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Pebesma, Edzer
Redox induced mobilisation of DOC from riparian wetlands (ReDOCs)
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Lechtenfeld, Oliver
Selle, Benny
Restoring peatlands of the nemoral zone under conditions of varying water supply and quality
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Meyer, Hanna
Thawing Effects on Soil Organic Carbon in Permafrost Peatlands (TESOCPe)
Borken, Werner
Estop Aragonés, Cristian
Towards a better understanding of pyrodiversity—biodiversity relationships (PyroDiv)
Hölzel, Norbert
Kamp, Johannes
Completed projects
Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Terrestrial Ecosystems (AOMTE): mechanisms and ecological relevance
Dorodnikov, Maxim
Anzahl- und Massenflüsse von Aerosolpartikeln über einer Stadt, erfasst mit hoher Größenauflösung
Klemm, Otto
Biogeochemical mechanisms of C and P cycles in paddy driven by the FeIII-FeII redox wheel in dynamic redox environment
Dorodnikov, Maxim
Guggenberger, Georg
Horn, Marcus A.
Carbon, water and nutrient dynamics in vascular plant- vs. Sphagnum-dominated bog ecosystems in southern Patagonia
Kleinebecker, Till
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Kutzbach, Lars
Contribution of fog deposition to water and nutrient cycling in a subtropical mountain cloud forest
Klemm, Otto
Development and application of a combined method for the direct measurement of turbulent fluxes of atmospheric aerosol particle constituents
Hinz, Klaus-Peter
Klemm, Otto
Does energy, water and gas transport determine carbon sequestration and methane release in anoxic peatland soils? - Testing a novel hypothesis.
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Endemic birds as indicators of human impact and environment change: comparative biogeography and landscape ecology of East-Pacific island systems
Hahn, Ingo
Facilitation of biodiversity by shelter effects of Pinus patula and Alnus acuminata in montane ecosystems of South Ecuador
Hamer, Ute
Maraun, Mark
Mosandl, Reinhard
Rillig, Ph.D., Matthias C.
Stimm, Bernd
Factors controlling the release of dissolved organic substances, their stability and impact in methanogenic inundated fens soils
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Zak, Dominik
Impact of long-term wetting on carbon cycling and climate change feedback in a northern temperate bog (Ontario, Canada)
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Is higher silicon availability increasing the mineralization of organic matter in fen peatlands?
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Schaller, Jörg
Multi-Scale Characterization of Polar Permafrost Landscapes by Airborne and Satellite Remote Sensing and In-Situ Geophysical Measurements
Baumhauer, Roland
Dierking, Wolfgang
Klemm, Otto
Kneisel, Christof
Ullmann, Tobias
Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and H2O in a subtropical mountain cloud forest (Taiwan)
Klemm, Otto
Quantification and regulation of carbon fluxes in Lake Windsborn (Eifel): do hot spots and hot moments of carbon cycling occur in shallow waters?
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Quantifizierung des Eintrags von Wasser und ausgewählten Nährstoffen in ein Waldökosystem durch die Deposition von Nebel
Klemm, Otto
Relevance of soil water content and oxygen supply for humus forms in forests
Erber, Claudia
Shifting patterns? Understanding peatland resilience from shifts in small scale microform patterns (SPURT)
Mathijssen, Paul
Solid and dissolved organic matter redox properties as controls of anaerobic Respiration in organic soils
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Spatial Modelling in Ecology with Special Focus on Biodiversity
Pollmann, William
Stable Carbon composition of Methane in Eurasian Peatlands: CH4 production, transport and oxidation
Dorodnikov, Maxim
Urban Air Pollution and Traffic Emissions: New prospects from an analysis at high temporal resolution
Klemm, Otto
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Deadwood in the final decay class: Shifts in functions, processes and active microbial communities (Woodstock II)
Borken, Werner
Learning from the Exploratories to make prediction beyond them: AI-based mapping and explanation of grassland biodiversity and ecosystem functions for entire landscape units (BEyond)
Hölzel, Norbert
Meyer, Hanna
Plant-enzyme interactions along gradients of resource stoichiometry (PEGasuS)
Hamer, Ute
Kleinebecker, Till
Tischer, Alexander
Recovery mechanisms of above and belowground diversity and function of grassland, following reduction in intensity of land use: RecovFun
Hamer, Ute
Hölzel, Norbert
Neuenkamp, Lena
Completed projects
Effects of disturbance, seed addition and land-use intensity on plant community assembly and ecosystem functions in grasslands (ESCAPE II)
Hamer, Ute
Hölzel, Norbert
Kleinebecker, Till
Research Units
Completed projects
Coupling and competitiveness of iron-, sulfate-, and CO2-reduction along gradients
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Interactions of organic matter and microbial dynamics in pasture soils along management chronosequences
Hamer, Ute
Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Rhizosphere Mediation of Biosphere-Climate Feedbacks – Assessing Blue Carbon Cycling under Climate Change
Mueller, Peter
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Laser-based analyzer for detection of 12C/13C and H/D in methane
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1498: Semantic Integration of Geospatial Information
Kuhn, Werner
Additional Information
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