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Universität Münster
Institut für Geoinformatik
Heisenbergstraße 2
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Carbon4D: A landscape-scale model of soil organic carbon mineralization in space, depth, and time
Meyer, Hanna
Meyer, Nele
In-and-Out: A cognitively-grounded integration of indoor and outdoor spatial computing
Krukar, Ph.D., Jakub
Probabilistic Modeling of Long-term Peatland Carbon Dynamics
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Pebesma, Edzer
Restoring peatlands of the nemoral zone under conditions of varying water supply and quality
Knorr, Klaus-Holger
Meyer, Hanna
Completed projects
Archaeological Survey in the Region of El Gol (District Berber, Sudan)
Lohwasser, Angelika
S3-GEP: Scalable Spatiotemporal Statistics for Global Environmental Phenomena
Pebesma, Edzer
SketchMapia: A Framework for Collaborative Mapping
Schwering, Angela
The pair-copula construction in space and time: a new approach to model spatio-temporal dependencies
Pebesma, Edzer
Wayfinding Through Orientation (WayTO): Support for Spatial Orientation and Wayfinding in Real Environments Through Cognitively Appropriate Spatial Information Provided by Mobile Navigation Assistance
Münzer, Stefan
Schwering, Angela
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Opening Reproducible Research
Kray, Christian
Pebesma, Edzer
Tröger, Beate
Opening Reproducible Research II
Kray, Christian
Pebesma, Edzer
Tröger, Beate
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Neural fingerprints as structure and activity-sensitive molecular representations
Koch, Oliver
Risse, Benjamin
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Current projects
Learning from the Exploratories to make prediction beyond them: AI-based mapping and explanation of grassland biodiversity and ecosystem functions for entire landscape units (BEyond)
Hölzel, Norbert
Meyer, Hanna
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Coherent nanophotonic neural networks with adaptive molecular systems
(Project Heads
Risse, Benjamin
Schuck, Carsten
Multiscale visualisation and analysis of innate immune cell migration at sites of hypoxic inflammation in vivo
(Project Heads
Kiefer, Friedemann
Risse, Benjamin
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5393: The future smart town
Becker, Jörg
IT Security: Strategic Security Orchestration, Automation and Response for Digitalizing Medium-sized Cities
Hupperich, Thomas
Regional energy and sustainability
Löschel, Andreas
Trust management in the digital mid-sized town
Brandt, Tobias
Current projects
Deep learning in space and time
(Project Heads
Fischer, Asja
Lederer, Johannes
Meyer, Hanna
Real-time spatio-temporal data analysis for monitoring logistics networks
(Project Heads
Bürkner, Paul-Christian
Meyer, Anne
Pebesma, Edzer
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1498: Semantic Integration of Geospatial Information
Kuhn, Werner
Additional Information
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