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Universität Münster
Fachbereich 13 - Biologie
Institut für Neuro- und Verhaltensbiologie
Badestraße 9/13
48149 Münster
This institution in GERiT
48149 Münster
Research Grants
Current projects
Analysis of sex specific differences in glial cells affecting macrophage invasion of the fly brain
Klämbt, Christian
Developmental remodeling of the Drosophila nociceptive circuit
Rumpf, Sebastian
Establishing Tribolium castaneum as a new model for studying individual variation and evolution of circadian rhythms
Kurtz, Joachim
Stanewsky, Ralf
Genetic programmes for dendrite regrowth after pruning in Drosophila - mechanistic and functional aspects
Rumpf, Sebastian
Molecular mechanisms and novel genes mediating temperature compensation in circadian clock neurons of Drosophila melanogaster
Stanewsky, Ralf
The role of direct heparan sulfate interactions and Ca2+ complexation in Hedgehog gradient formation in vivo
Grobe, Kay
Steffes, Georg
Completed projects
AMP-Activated Protein Kinase Links Neuronal Remodeling to Metabolic Control
Rumpf, Sebastian
Analyse der Funktion des Drosophila-Futsch-Proteins während der neuronalen Differenzierung
Klämbt, Christian
Analysis of glial impact on larval locomotion in Drosophila
Klämbt, Christian
BREaking the Code of MYelin program
Klämbt, Christian
Funktionelle Charakterisierung des Drosophila Gens kette
Klämbt, Christian
Glial modulation of motor activity by ephaptic coupling and gliotransmission in the Drosophila nervous system
Klämbt, Christian
Identification of septate junction proteins required for the integrity of the blood brain barrier
Klämbt, Christian
Identifizierung pathogenetisch relevanter Gene im Drosophila-Gliom-Modell
Paulus, Werner
Identifizierung photorezeptiver Organe und Moleküle, die die innere Uhr von Drosophila melanogaster mit den Licht/Dunkel-Bedingungen der Umwelt synchronisieren
Stanewsky, Ralf
Identifizierung und funktionelle Analyse molekularer Komponenten des circadianen Systems von Drosophila melanogaster
Stanewsky, Ralf
Identifizierung und funktionelle Analyse molekularer Komponenten des circadianen Systems von Drosophila melanogaster
Stanewsky, Ralf
Localized FGF-receptor signaling controls differentiation of wrapping glial cells of Drosophila
Klämbt, Christian
Mechanisms for light-dependent activation of circadian clock neurons in Drosophila
Stanewsky, Ralf
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Functional diversity in Drosophila glial cells, the role of schlaflos and rumpel
Klämbt, Christian
Glial cell migration in Drosophila
Klämbt, Christian
Identification and characterization of genes encoding proteins with polar expression in different Drosophila cells
Klämbt, Christian
Identifizierung photorezeptiver Organe und Moleküle, die die innere Uhr von Drosophila melanogaster mit den Licht/Dunkel-Bedingungen der Umwelt synchronisieren
Stanewsky, Ralf
The function of alpha-spectrin in the Drosophila nervous system
Klämbt, Christian
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Stanewsky, Ralf
Heisenberg Grants
Current projects
From Degeneration to Regeneration: Developmental Neuronal Remodeling in Drosophila
Rumpf, Sebastian
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Central Tasks
(Project Heads
Klämbt, Christian
Luschnig, Stefan
Localized FGF-receptor signaling controls differentiation of wrapping glial cells
(Project Head
Klämbt, Christian
Membrane remodeling and severing during dendrite pruning in Drosophila neurons
(Project Head
Rumpf, Sebastian
SFB 1348: Dynamic cellular interfaces: formation and function
Klämbt, Christian
Luschnig, Stefan
Completed projects
Analysis of the Drosophila blood-brain barrier
(Project Heads
Klämbt, Christian
Luschnig, Stefan
Schirmeier, Stefanie
Central tasks
(Project Head
Klämbt, Christian
Coupling Integrin Activation to the Actin Cytoskeleton
(Project Heads
Bogdan, Sven
Klämbt, Christian
Glial cell migration in Drosophila
(Project Head
Klämbt, Christian
Imaging facility
(Project Head
Klämbt, Christian
SFB 629: Molecular Cell Dynamics: Subcellular and Cellular Movements
Klämbt, Christian
Slit und Integrin vermittelte Signale bei der Bildung der Kommissuren im embryonalen ZNS von Drosophila
(Project Head
Klämbt, Christian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Analysis of Gliotactin mediated microtubule organization during tricellular junction development
Matzat, Till
Bildung, Aufrechterhaltung und strukturelle Veränderung von Synapsen
Aberle, Hermann
The role of CO/Heme-oxigenase-1-mediated signaling in normal and inflamed brain tissue
Sieglitz, Florian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Bioluminiszenz Imaging System
Konfokales Laser-Scanning Mikroskop mit Spektraldetektion
Konfokales STED-Laserscanning-Mikroskop
Current projects
Temporal niche choice in Drosophila melanogaster
(Project Head
Stanewsky, Ralf
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1050: Molecular Basis of Dynamic Cellular Processes
Püschel, Andreas
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 1003: Cells in Motion - CiM: Imaging to Understand Cellular Behaviour in Organisms
Sorokin, Lydia
Additional Information
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