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Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Fakultät für Physik
Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Physik - Biophysik
Amalienstraße 54
80799 München
This institution in GERiT
80799 München
Research Grants
Completed projects
Electrophysiological and mechanical activity of cells triggered and traced on the level of single receptor-ligand interactions
Benoit, Martin
Entwicklung eines schnellen Kraftspektrometers zur Messung der dynamischen Komplianz von Lignin
Gaub, Hermann E.
On-Chip Expression of Transcription Factors and Force-Based Interaction Analysis with DNA
Gaub, Hermann E.
Unraveling the Mechano-Regulation of Von Willebrand Factor
Benoit, Martin
Lipfert, Jan
Wilmanns, Ph.D., Matthias
Untersuchung der spezifischen Wechselwirkung maßgeschneiderter Blockcopolymere und Polypeptide mit Mineraloberflächen in AFM-Desorptionsmessungen
Seitz, Markus
Untersuchung transkriptionsregulierender DNA/Protein-Interaktion mit einem DNA Kraftsensor
Gaub, Hermann E.
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Adhäsion und De-Adhäsion einzelner Polymerketten auf festen Substraten
(Project Head
Gaub, Hermann E.
Bestimmung der Faltungsbarrieren in Bakteriorhodopsin und Annexin V mittels Einzelmolekül Kraftspektroskopie
(Project Head
Gaub, Hermann E.
Enzyme Networks by Design
(Project Head
Gaub, Hermann E.
Funktionseinheiten für Einzelmolekülmaschinen
(Project Heads
Gaub, Hermann E.
Oesterhelt, Dieter
Mechanical characterization of integrin-dependent leukocyte adhesion
(Project Heads
Benoit, Martin
Massberg, Steffen
Molecular Force Sensors
(Project Head
Gaub, Hermann E.
Nucleic Acids and Chromatin under Forces and Torques
(Project Head
Lipfert, Jan
SFB 486: Manipulation of matter at the nanometer length scale
Gaub, Hermann E.
Zentrale Aufgaben des Sonderforschungsbereichs
(Project Head
Gaub, Hermann E.
Zentrale Einrichtungen
(Project Head
Gaub, Hermann E.
Research Units
Completed projects
Diffusion and conformational dynamics in locally perturbed model membrane systems
Petrov, Eugene
Mechanical properties of VWF in single molecule and cell adhesion force experiments using AFM
Benoit, Martin
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
DIP Programme
Completed projects
Probing and Manipulating Biomolecules: From Single Molecules to an Ensemble
Gaub, Hermann E.
Klafter, Joseph
Current projects
Heat flow driven non-equilibrium environments to foster molecular evolution
(Project Head
Mast, Christof Friedrich Bernhard
Completed projects
Autonomous genome replication and protein synthesis in a cell-free system under microfluidic accumulation and feeding
(Project Heads
Braun, Dieter
Mast, Christof Friedrich Bernhard
Mutschler, Hannes
Enhanced phosphate cycling in 3 phase-systems – Heat fluxes trigger the liberation and back-precipitation of phosphate, boosting prebiotic chemistry
(Project Heads
Eisenreich, Wolfgang
Mast, Christof Friedrich Bernhard
Scheu, Bettina
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 1006: Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich (QBM)
Frey, Erwin
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 4: Nanosystems Initiative Munich (NIM)
Bein, Thomas
Feldmann, Jochen
Additional Information
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