Philipps-Universität Marburg
Fachbereich Medizin
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie und Krankenhaushygiene
Hans-Meerwein Straße 2
35037 Marburg
This institution in GERiT
35037 Marburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Identification of structural modules within the transcription factor IRF4 controlling T helper cell subtype diversification
Lohoff, Michael
Lactate rewires metabolism of Th17 cells and promotes the regulatory T cell-like phenotype
Visekruna, Alexander
The immunoproteasome inhibition as a novel therapeutic strategy for the treatment of colitis-associated cancer
Visekruna, Alexander
Completed projects
Die Bedeutung der Neuropeptide VIP, PACAP, Substance P und CGRP für die Entstehung und Funktion von Th1/Th2-Zellen am Beispiel der murinen Leishmaniasis
Lohoff, Michael
Die Bedeutung von Transkriptionsfaktoren der IRF-Familie für die Funktion von Th1/Th2 Zellen am Beispiel der murinen Leishmaniasis
Lohoff, Michael
Die Rolle von T-Zellen bei der Helicobacter-pylori Gastritis im Mausmodell
Sommer, Frank
Immunomodulatory effects of microbiota-derived metabolite pentanoate on lymphocytes
Visekruna, Alexander
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Bedeutung von T-Zell-kostimulatorischen Signalen für die Regulation einer Th1- oder Th2-Antwort in vivo am Beispiel der murinen Leischmaniasis
(Project Head
Lohoff, Michael
Completed projects
Identification of structural modules within IRF4 which control Th subtype diversification in vitro and in vivo during allergic asthma"
(Project Head
Lohoff, Michael
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
RNAi screening to break tolerance in an autoimmunity model of diabetic RIP-GP mice
Brüstle, Anne
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Zellanalyse- und Hochgeschwindigkeitssortiersystem
International Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 767: Transcriptional Control in Developmental Processes
Suske, Guntram
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 325: Clinical relevance of tumor-microenvironment interactions in pancreatic cancer
Gress, Thomas Mathias