Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften
Historisches Seminar
Arbeitsbereich Byzantinistik
Jakob-Welder-Weg 18
55128 Mainz
This institution in GERiT
55128 Mainz
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Doukaton and Greek-orthodox patriarchate of Antioch in the middle Byzantine period (969-1084)
Todt, Klaus-Peter
"Greci" und "Suriani" im Palästina der Kreuzfahrerzeit. Beiträge zur Geschichte des griechisch-orthodoxen Patriarchats von Jerusalem im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert
Pahlitzsch, Johannes
Priority Programmes
Current projects
On the Origins of the Printing Press in the Ottoman Empire: The Role of Printed Books in the Transmission of Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Knowledge
Pahlitzsch, Johannes
Completed projects
Seaports as Intersections of the Maritime-Terrestrial Traffic of Passengers and Goods in the Byzantine Empire (7th to 11th cc.)
Pahlitzsch, Johannes
Vermittler zwischen Ost und West: Griechisch-orthodoxe und lateinische Christen unter muslimischer Herrschaft als integrative Kräfte in der Levante (13.-15. Jahrhundert)
Pahlitzsch, Johannes
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Financial Economy, Monetary Transactions and Trade Policy. Financial Transactions and the Exchange of Goods in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Period between the Muslim Expansion and the Crusades (7th to 11th Centuries)
Pratsch, Thomas
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1664: Selecting Personnel for Key Societal Roles
Fahrmeir, Andreas
Personnel decisions in the byzantine military, 9-14th centuries
Pahlitzsch, Johannes
Heisenberg Grants
Completed projects
Bessarion and Byzantine Culture in public perception during the late 15th century
Mariev, Sergei
Research Grants
Current projects
Transcending Boundaries. Jerusalem’s Codices and Communities 900-1500
Mack, Ph.D., Merav
Completed projects
Social Groups, Structures, Networks – Investigations into the Synthesis of the Middle-Byzantine Society (7th-11th c.)
Pratsch, Thomas
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2304: Byzantium and the Euro-Mediterranean Cultures of War. Exchange, Differentiation and Reception
Pahlitzsch, Johannes
Completed projects
GRK 564: Space and Ritual. The Function, Meaning and use of Places of Sacred Intention
Weyer-Menkhoff, Stephan
GRK 1876: Early Concepts of Man and Nature: Universal, Local, Borrowed
Althoff, Jochen