Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Zentrum für Astronomie (ZAH)
Institut für Theoretische Astrophysik
Albert-Ueberle-Straße 2
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
GROOVHY: Gravitational radiation from black holes’ hyperbolic mergers
Bernuzzi, Sebastiano
Interferometric Observations of Benchmark Stars for Calibrating Large Stellar Surveys of the Milky Way
Karovicova, Ph.D., Iva
Physical description of turbulent and gravitationally bound structures in molecular clouds in relation to the modeling of the general cloud structure
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Stars, dust, and gas: evolution and impact of young star clusters in nearby galaxies in the era of JWST
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Schinnerer, Eva
The formation of dormant black hole binaries: a key to mass transfer and stellar dynamics
Mapelli, Michela
Completed projects
3D Computermodelle zur Dynamik von magnetischen Flußringen in Akkretionsscheiben
Ulmschneider, Peter
Clustered Star Formation on various scales. An extensive panchromatic stellar survey of star-forming galaxies in the Local Group with the Hubble Space Telescope
Gouliermis, Dimitrios
Formation and Evolution of Protostellar Disks in Young Star Clusters: Implications for the Origin of Binary Stars and Substellar Objects
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
FUV-Driven Photoevaporation of protoplanetary Disks
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Investigation of the dust formation and violent mass loss of evolved stars
Karovicova, Ph.D., Iva
Protostellare Ausflüsse und Interstellare Turbulenz
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
The Anatomy of Stellar Nurseries
Hony, Ph.D., Sacha
The Initial Mass Function in Star-forming Regions in the Magellanic Clouds
Gouliermis, Dimitrios
Zeitabhängigkeit der Atmosphärenstruktur von M-Typ Mira-Variablen
Scholz, Michael
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Chondrule formation: Nebular gas confinement of impact splashes
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Common Funds for SPP 1573
Burkert, Andreas
Composition of planets with an N-body-Monte-Carlo approach
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Development and physical reason of IR spectral features during condensation and solid phase reactions of Fe-Mg silicate systems: IR studies focused on non-stoichiometric silicates
Dohmen, Ralf
Gail, Hans-Peter
Pucci, Annemarie
Tamanai, Akemi
Effekte der Selbstgravitation bei viskosen protostellaren Scheiben - Theorie und Modellierung
Riffert, Harald
Effekte der Selbstgravitation bei viskosen protostellaren Scheiben - Theorie und Modellierung
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
Evolution of the Early Solar Nebula: Isotopic Fractionation and Dynamical Processes
Semenov, Dmitry
Fast and versatile diagnostic radiative transfer of 3-D models of the ISM
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
HII regions and triggered star formation in the turbulent ISM
Naab, Thorsten
Linienspektren für kollabierende Objekte
Wehrse, Rainer
Modelling the internal constitution and thermal evolution of planetesimals and applications to geochronology
Gail, Hans-Peter
Origin of volatiles and organics on Earth, IDPs, meteorites, and comets
Semenov, Dmitry
Pebble accretion and the composition of exoplanets
Birnstiel, Tilman
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Predicting star formation and metal enrichment in quasars for high-redshift ALMA observations
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Protostellare Akkretionsstoßfronten
Gail, Hans-Peter
Scales and thresholds in molecular cloud turbulence
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Ossenkopf-Okada, Volker
Walch-Gassner, Stefanie
Spektren kühler Vorhauptreihensterne: Opazitäten und Modellatmosphären
Baschek, Bodo
Sternentstehung in Medien mit hoher Verscherung am Beispiel des Galaktischen Zentrums
Duschl, Wolfgang J.
The Formation and Evolution of resonant planetary Systems
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Schäfer, Christoph
The Formation of Prestellar Cores in the ISM
Clark, Paul Campbell
The life-cycle of turbulent molecular clouds
Glover, Ph.D., Simon
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Naab, Thorsten
Walch-Gassner, Stefanie
The role of water in the process of planet formation
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Understanding the Dynamic ISM: A "Big Data'' Comparative Analysis of Models and Observations
Shetty, Rahul
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Star formation in turbulent interstellar gas clouds
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
WBP Position
Current projects
From agnosticism to astrophysics: a new approach to non-parametric methods to infer the astrophysical populations of binary black holes from gravitational waves
Rinaldi, Stefano
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Administration of the SFB
(Project Heads
Appenzeller, Immo
Duschl, Wolfgang J.
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
An Astrometric, Photometric, and Spectroscopic Census of Moving Groups and Open Clusters
(Project Heads
Bailer-Jones, Coryn A.L.
Grebel, Eva K.
Henning, Thomas
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Pasquali, Anna
Permentier, Geneviève
Reffert, Sabine
Building up the Center of the Milky Way
(Project Heads
Glover, Ph.D., Simon
Neumayer née Häring, Nadine
Cosmological simulations of the Milky Way’s formation
(Project Heads
Just, Andreas
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Macciò, Andrea Valerio
Pillepich, Ph.D., Annalisa
Rix, Hans-Walter
Springel, Volker
Dust formation by stars and evolution of interstellar dust at low metallicities
(Project Heads
Gail, Hans-Peter
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
Dynamical evolution of stars and gas in young galaxies
(Project Heads
Gail, Hans-Peter
Spurzem, Rainer
Energietransport durch Strahlung
(Project Heads
Rannacher, Rolf
Wehrse, Rainer
Feedback and interstellar turbulence
(Project Heads
Banerjee, Robi Stefan
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Fendt, Christian
Formation and evolution of the first generation of stars
(Project Heads
Duschl, Wolfgang J.
Gail, Hans-Peter
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
Information Infrastructure
(Project Heads
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Spurzem, Rainer
Wambsganss, Joachim
Materieströmungen in Akkretionsscheiben
(Project Heads
Rannacher, Rolf
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
Modelling and analysis of proto-galactic radiation fields
(Project Heads
Bartelmann, Matthias
Wehrse, Rainer
Parallel and Many-Core Supercomputing Infrastructure
(Project Heads
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Springel, Volker
Spurzem, Rainer
SFB Administration
(Project Heads
Grebel, Eva K.
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Thimm, Guido
Star Formation and ISM Dynamics in the disk of the Milky Way
(Project Heads
Beuther, Henrik
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Springel, Volker
Spurzem, Rainer
The chemical evolution from diffuse clouds to dense cores
(Project Heads
Banerjee, Robi Stefan
Beuther, Henrik
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
The Multi-Scale Physics of Star and Cluster Formation — From Molecular Clouds to Stellar Feedback
(Project Heads
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Glover, Ph.D., Simon
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Kruijssen, Diederik
Parmentier, Geneviève A.
Spurzem, Rainer
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2634: Planet Formation Witnesses and Probes: Transition Discs
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
From Transition Disks to Debris Disks
Birnstiel, Tilman
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Completed projects
Evolution of the mineralogical and chemical composition of pre-planetary disks
Tscharnuter, Werner M.
FOR 759: The Formation of Planets: The Critical First Growth Phase
Kley, Wilhelm
Gone with the wind: dust entrainment in photoevaporative winds
Ercolano, Ph.D., Barbara
Initial conditions of the birthplaces of planets
Kley, Wilhelm
Modeling the evolution of the dust population in protoplanetary disks
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Origin of complex non-axisymmetric structures in Type 2 Transition Disks
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Thermal annealing of silicates in protoplanetary disks - Laboratory data and modelling
Lattard, Dominique
Transition disks and planetary systems
Dullemond, Cornelis Petrus
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Direct determination of effective temperatures for calibrators in the Gaia mission and the Gaia-ESO-Survey
Karovicova, Ph.D., Iva
Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2181: STRUCTURES: A unifying approach to emergent phenomena in the physical world, mathematics, and complex data
Klessen, Ph.D., Ralf
Oberthaler, Markus Kurt
Salmhofer, Manfred
Wienhard, Anna