Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Radiologische Universitätsklinik
Abteilung für Nuklearmedizin
Im Neuenheimer Feld 400
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Development of novel radiotracers targeting oncofetal proteins for the diagnosis and therapy of tumors
Haberkorn, Uwe
Completed projects
A lipid based delivery system for the peroral administration of an orally inactive peptide drug (Myrcludex B)
Fricker, Gert
Mier, Walter
Cell penetrating liposomes for the oral delivery of peptide drugs
Fricker, Gert
Mier, Walter
Entwicklung optimierter Octreotidderivate für die Tumordiagnostik
Mier, Walter
Identification of tumor affine peptides for diaguosis and treatment of prostute carcinomes
Haberkorn, Uwe
Identification of tumor affine peptides in head and neck tumors by display techniques
Haberkorn, Uwe
Herold-Mende, Christel
Identifikation von Peptiden mit Prostatakarzinom-Spezifität
Haberkorn, Uwe
Identifizierung tumoraffiner Peptide zur nuklearmedizinischen Therapie von Schilddrüsenkarzinomen
Haberkorn, Uwe
Modification of vancomycin to overcome bacterial resistance
Mier, Walter
Ohlsen, Knut
Nichtinvasives Imaging von Gentransfer und Genexpression im ZNS
Rainov, Nikolai G.
Somatostatin receptor PET fpr the optimization of tumor diagnosis and therapy
Haberkorn, Uwe