Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg
Medizinische Klinik, Innere Medizin IV
Klinik für Gastroenterologie, Infektionskrankheiten und Vergiftungen
Im Neuenheimer Feld 410
69120 Heidelberg
This institution in GERiT
69120 Heidelberg
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterization of the gut mucosa transcriptome in extraintestinal cancer and ICI-responders & Development of a gut mucosa-based biomarker score to predict response to gut microbiome-based interventions
Rauber, Conrad
Roberti, Ph.D., Maria Paula
Infiltrative monocytes modulated by adenosine deaminase 2 promote tissue inflammation and fibrosis in Crohn's disease
Tiwari-Heckler, Shilpa
Completed projects
Alterations of the expression pattern in bile-duct epithelia and the bile-proteome in primary sclerosing cholangitis: Identification of disease-associated proteins by a proteomic approach
Gotthardt, Daniel
Rupp, Christian
Characterization and targeting of cathepsin B and L activity in tumor-associated macrophages during pancreatic cancer development and progression.
Michl, Patrick
Charakterisierung der zellulären und humoralen Immunantwort nach DNA-Immunisierung gegen verschiedene Genotypen und Subtypen des Hepatitis C Virus - Entwicklung einer Multi-Genotyp-Vakzine gegen Hepatitis C Virus
Encke, Jens
Development of targeted retroviral vectors pseudotyped with the Tupaia paramyxovirus glycoproteins
Springfeld, Christoph
Die Modulation der p53- und c-myc-Promotoraktivität durch das Hepatitis C Virus Core-Protein
Stremmel, Wolfgang
Elucidating the mechanism of transendothelial fatty acid transport
Füllekrug, Joachim
Entwicklung und Charakterisierung einer Tetrazyklin-regulierbaren Hepatitis C Virus transgenen Maus als Hepatitis C Tiermodell
Encke, Jens
Funktionelle Untersuchungen zur Pathophysiologie der bei Morbus Wilson beobachteten hepatischen Eisenüberladung
Merle, Uta
Identifizierung neuer Effektoren des Transkriptionsfaktors CUTL1 beim Pankreaskarzinom mit Hilfe der RNA Interference-Library-Technologie
Michl, Patrick
Intracellular channeling of fatty acids by acyl-CoA synthetases
Füllekrug, Joachim
Intrazelluläre Lokalisation, physiologische Funktion und Regulation von FATP4, einem putativen Schlüsselprotein für die zelluläre Aufnahme langkettiger Fettsäuren
Stremmel, Wolfgang
In vivo characterization of CUX1 in tumorigenesis and tumor progression in pancreatic cancer
Michl, Patrick
Mechanismen der Apoptoseregulation durch TRAIL-Rezeptor 4 in primären humanen Hepatozyten und hepatozellulären Karzinomen
Ganten, Tom
Mode of action of the bile-acid phospholipid conjugate ursodeoxycholyl-lysophosphatidylethanolamide (UDCA-LPE) on fatty acid uptake in hepatocytes: implication for its therapeutic use in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH).
Stremmel, Wolfgang
Modulation of Membrane Phospholipids by Hepatic Deficiency of iPLA2beta Renders Hepatitis Susceptibility in Non-obese but Protects against Steatosis in Obese Mice
Chamulitrat, Ph.D., Walee
Molekularer Mechanismus der Eisenüberladung bei Hämochromatose am Modell einer Cys282Tyr-HFE exprimierenden Zelllinie sowie einer generierten HFE-Knockoutmaus
Stremmel, Wolfgang
Pathomechanismus der Fettstoffwechselstörung der Caveoloin-1 Knock-out-Maus
Pohl, Jürgen
Protective functions of the bile acid phospholipid conjugate Ursodeoxycholyl Lysophosphatidylethanolamide (UDCA-LPE) during hepatofibrogenesis
Pathil-Warth, Anita
Role of gp91phox homolog Nox1 in Cell Transformation of Human Keratinocytes
Chamulitrat, Ph.D., Walee
The function of the fatty acyl-CoA synthetase ACSL3 in the dynamic metabolism of lipid droplets
Füllekrug, Joachim
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Einfluß der Proteinkinase Akt/PKB und deren downstream target YAP auf die p53-vermittelte Apoptose bei soliden Tumoren
Michl, Patrick
Evaluation of Intrahepatic Immune and Virological Mechanisms of Immunopathology in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients using Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy
Nkongolo, Shirin
Natural killer T (NKT)-cell mediated tissue injury is modulated by CD39 in models of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Tiwari-Heckler, Shilpa
Recombinant measles viruses with enhanced cytotoxicity for the therapy of malignant diseases
Springfeld, Christoph
Regulation der Sensitivität von Tumorzellen durch Chemotherapeutika auf TRAIL-induzierte Apoptose am Beispiel des Hepatozellulären Karzinom
Ganten, Tom
Clinical Research Units
Completed projects
Genome-wide analysis of the CUX1 transcriptional network mediating resistance to apoptosis in pancreatic cancer
Michl, Patrick
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5815: Structural and functional lipid droplet heterogeneity
Herker, Eva
Function of perilipin 3 in lipid droplet heterogeneity and metabolism
Füllekrug, Joachim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
SFB 601: Molekulare Pathogenese hepato-gastroenterologischer Erkrankungen
Stremmel, Wolfgang
Untersuchungen zur Funktion des Hämochromatosegens HLA-H bei der Regulation der intestinalen Eisenaufnahme
(Project Heads
Riedel, Hans-Dieter
Stewart, Adrian Francis
Stremmel, Wolfgang
Zelluläre Aufnahme langkettiger Fettsäuren: eine konzentrierte Aktion gesteuert von Angebot und Nachfrage
(Project Head
Stremmel, Wolfgang
Zentrale Verwaltungsaufgaben für den SFB
(Project Head
Stremmel, Wolfgang
Current projects
Characterization of hepatitis D virus cell division-mediated spread and interference through innate and adaptive immune responses
(Project Heads
Nkongolo, Shirin
Urban, Stephan
Effects of constitutive cytokine signalling on tissue homeostasis and liver cell-intrinsic responsiveness to hepatitis virus infection
(Project Heads
Beisel, Claudia
Binder, Marco
Pichlmair, Andreas
Clinical Trials
Completed projects
Covered transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent shunt versus optimezed medical treatment for the secondary prevention of variceal bleeding in cirrhosis
Sauerbruch, Tilman
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2751: Inflammatory cues as modulators of early pancreatic carcinogenesis (InCuPanC)
Rosendahl, Jonas