Historische Kommission
bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Alfons-Goppel-Straße 11
80539 München
This institution in GERiT
80539 München
Publication Grants
Completed projects
Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium unter Ludwig Erhard 1949-1963
Löffler, Bernhard
Research Grants
Current projects
Private life, profession, mandate – the social and cultural foundations of parliamentary representation (1871-1918)
Geppert, Dominik
Completed projects
Cross-territorial ties and multiple loyalties in the diplomacy around 1700: Johann Christoph von Urbich's (1653-1715) network of relationships between the Holy Roman Empire, Denmark and Russia
Tischer, Anuschka
John Zacharias Actuarios, Περὶ ἐνεργειῶν καὶ παθῶν τοῦ ψυχικοῦ πνεύματος καὶ τῆς κατ᾽αὐτὸ διαίτης λόγοι β´ / De actionibus et affectibus spiritus animalis huiusque nutritione: critical edition with German translation (part I) and comprehensive classification of the text in cultural history (part II)
Grimm-Stadelmann, Isabel
Public Expectations and Bureaucratic Experts: The Commissions of the German Confederation as Places of Political Bargaining (1816-1848)
Müller, Jürgen