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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Lehrstuhl für Multimediakommunikation und Signalverarbeitung
Cauerstraße 7
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Advanced Image Sensing Using Arbitrarily Shaped Pixels and Neural Network Reconstruction
Kaup, André
Always-on Deep Neural Networks
Belagiannis, Vasileios
Ortmanns, Maurits
Camera Array for Hyperspectral Video Imaging Using Cross-Spectral Multi-View Fusion
Kaup, André
Energy Efficient Video Coding Systems
Herglotz, Christian Josef
Hybrid Estimation of Non-Functional Properties (Time, Power, Energy) for Software on Embedded Systems for Image and Video Processing
Herglotz, Christian Josef
Reichenbach, Marc
Learning-Based Wavelet Video Coding Using Deep Adaptive Lifting
Kaup, André
Point Cloud Upsampling Using Sparse Frequency Models
Kaup, André
Transferring Deep Neural Networks from Simulation to Real-World
Belagiannis, Vasileios
Completed projects
Adaptive nichtlineare Systeme und ihre Anwendung zur Kompensation akustischer und elektrischer Echos in Telekommunikationseinrichtungen
Kellermann, Walter
Efficient Scalable Analysis and Coding of Hypervolume Data
Kaup, André
Extrapolation mehrdimensionaler diskreter Signale und deren Anwendung in der Bild- und Videokommunikation
Kaup, André
Losless and lossy compression of screen-content data using machine learning
Kaup, André
Strutz, Tilo
Model-based mesh-to-grid image resampling with application to robust object detection, recognition and tracking
Kaup, André
Physical modelling for digital sound synthesis with multi-dimensional transfer functions.
Rabenstein, Rudolf
Projection-Based Ultra Wide-Angle and 360° Video Coding
Kaup, André
Reconstruction of Irregularly Sampled Image Signals Using Sparse Representations
Kaup, André
Reverberation Modelling for Robust Speech Recognition in Reverberant Environments
Kellermann, Walter
Structure-optimizing identification of nonlinear systems using elitist particle filtering
Kellermann, Walter
Transfer Function Models for Molecular Communication Channels
Rabenstein, Rudolf
Schober, Robert
Verallgemeinerte adaptive nichtlineare Filter und ihre Anwendung zur Systemidentifikation
Kellermann, Walter
Video Coding for Deep Learning-Based Machine-to-Machine Communication
Kaup, André
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Einbettung von digitalen Wasserzeichen in Text-, Bild- und Videodokumente
Huber, Johannes
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Coding of Multimodal Body Hull Data
(Project Head
Kaup, André
Completed projects
Codierung von dynamischen Lichtfeldern
(Project Head
Kaup, André
Gemeinsame Audio- und Videosignalanalyse zur Lokalisierung bewegter Schallquellen
(Project Heads
Girod, Bernd
Rabenstein, Rudolf
Research Units
Completed projects
Acoustic Signal Extraction and Enhancement
Kellermann, Walter
FOR 2457: Acoustic Sensor Networks
Häb-Umbach, Reinhold
Time-Synchronization for Coherent Digital Signal Processing in Wireless Acoustic Sensor Networks
Enzner, Gerald
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 244: 3D Image Analysis and Synthesis
Greiner, Günther
GRK 1773: Heterogeneous Image Systems
Stamminger, Marc
GRK 2203: Micro- and nano-scale sensor technologies for the lung
Ortmanns, Maurits
Additional Information
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