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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Department Elektrotechnik-Elektronik-Informationstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Technische Elektronik
Cauerstraße 9
91058 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91058 Erlangen
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 1508: Dynamically Adaptable Positioning of Bats Using Embedded Communicating Sensor Systems
Weigel, Robert
FOR 1522: Multi-physical Synthesis and Integration of Complex Radio Frequency Circuits - MUSIK
Hein, Matthias
Integrated, Reconfigurable Sensor Node with Localization Capability for the Recording of Measured Data and Social Interactions of Bats
Weigel, Robert
Multiphysical circuit design based on microacoustic RF-MEMS components
Hagelauer, Amelie
Scientific Coordination of the Research Group
Weigel, Robert
System Simulation and Integration Analysis of Non-ideal RF MEMS
Fischer, Georg
Research Grants
Current projects
Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuits for Wireless THz Communication [EPIC-COM]
Kissinger, Dietmar
Weigel, Robert
Zimmermann, Lars
Modeling, Optimization, and Hardware Design of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Communication Systems
Schober, Robert
Vossiek, Martin
Weigel, Robert
Completed projects
Auto-configurable, self-healing distributed wireless sensor-networks supporting high dependability for critical applications
Kraemer, Rolf
Weigel, Robert
Dynamic drive for radio frequency power amplifiers with wideband active load modulation
Fischer, Georg
Hardware Efficient Multi-antenna Transceivers
Fischer, Georg
Müller, Ralf Reiner
Integrated Memristor-Based Computer Architectures
Fey, Dietmar
Hagelauer, Amelie
Reichenbach, Marc
Integration of Radar-based Communication in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks for Cooperatively Interacting Cars (RADCOM-HETNET)
Dressler, Falko
Franchi, Norman
Weigel, Robert
Massive MIMO Systems for Communication and Localization
Schober, Robert
Vossiek, Martin
Weigel, Robert
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Terahertz Digital Chess-Board-Modulated Spread-Spectrum System for Radar and Communication Comprising 200 GHz Bandwidth
Ellinger, Frank
Issakov, Vadim
Weigel, Robert
Completed projects
Components and Concepts for low-power mm-wave pulsed angle modulated ultra wideband (UWB) communication and ranging
Vossiek, Martin
Weigel, Robert
Development of novel system and component architectures for future multichannel 100 GBit/s communication systems (M-SPARS)
Berroth, Manfred
Ellinger, Frank
Vossiek, Martin
Weigel, Robert
Flexible Electronic-Photonic Integrated Circuit Sensor Platform II [EPIC-Sense II]
Kissinger, Dietmar
Weigel, Robert
Zimmermann, Lars
RF-Hardware Components for UWB Localization and Sensing: System architectures and circuit techniques for integrated UWB-RF-transceivers
Heinen, Stefan
Kraemer, Rolf
Sachs, Jürgen
Weigel, Robert
RF Transceiver Functionalities from Aggressively Scaled Metal Oxide TOLAE Technologies
Jank, Michael
Weigel, Robert
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Funk- und UWB-Messplatz
Messplatz für Integrierte Silizium-Millimeterwellen-Schaltungstechnik
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Outstanding low noise testbed for research on millimeterwave and THz communication system concepts of the future
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Highly Integrated Localizable Wireless EMG Transponder
(Project Heads
Hagelauer, Amelie
Weigel, Robert
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2950: Synthetic Molecular Communication Across Different Scales: From Theory to Experiments
Schober, Robert
Completed projects
GRK 1773: Heterogeneous Image Systems
Stamminger, Marc
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2495: Energy Conversion Systems: From Materials to Devices
Webber, Kyle Grant
Additional Information
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