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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Institut für Biochemie
Lehrstuhl für Biochemie und Pathobiochemie
Fahrstraße 17
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Role of the chromatin remodeling Tip60/ Ep400 complex in myelin-forming glia
Wegner, Michael
Completed projects
Abhängigkeit der Gliazell-Entwicklung von Dimerisierung und zellspezifischer Transaktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors Sox10
Wegner, Michael
Impact of microRNA on the oligodendroglial gene regulatory network
Reiprich, Simone
Regulation der Sox10-Genexpression in Neuralleisten- und Gliazellen
Wegner, Michael
Sox10 and MRF: Interplay of two transcription factors as cornerstone of the regulatory network in myelinating oligodendrocytes
Wegner, Michael
Sox10 and Myrf: Interplay of two transcription factors as cornerstone of the regulatory network in myelinating oligodendrocytes
Wegner, Michael
ß-Thymosine, Substrat von Transglutaminasen bei Blutgerinnung und Apoptose
Huff, Thomas
Transkriptionelle Regulation der Glia-Differenzierung durch Tst-1/Oct6/SCIP
Wegner, Michael
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Die Regulation von alternativem Spleißen durch snoRNAs
(Project Heads
Stamm, Stefan
Wegner, Michael
Funktion und Regulation des Determinationsfaktors GCM in der Neuralentwicklung von Säugern
(Project Head
Wegner, Michael
Funktion und Regulation des Determinationsfaktors GCM in der Säugerentwicklung
(Project Head
Wegner, Michael
Sox8 und die transkriptionelle Kontrolle der terminalen Differenzierung
(Project Head
Wegner, Michael
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Molecular Determinants of the Differential Properties of Embryonic Oligodendrocyte Precursors and Adult NG2 Cells.
Vera-Gonzalez, Julio
Wegner, Michael
WBP Fellowship
Current projects
Identification of the transcriptional regulated gene networks at the single nucleus level in mice and humans and in males and females, that control cachexia onset and survival.
Geßler, Lea
Completed projects
Establishing a novel in vitro-model for inflammation induced depression based on human iPSC-derived co-culture of serotonergic neurons, microglia, and mast cells
Bohl, Bettina
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2162: Neurodevelopment and Vulnerability of the Central Nervous System
Lie, Dieter Chichung
Completed projects
GRK 805: Protein-Protein Interactions in Signal Transduction
Hillen, Wolfgang
Additional Information
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