Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf
Institut für Diagnostische und Interventionelle Radiologie
Moorenstraße 5
40225 Düsseldorf
This institution in GERiT
40225 Düsseldorf
Research Grants
Current projects
Comprehensive refinement of advanced magnetic resonance image acquisition and post-processing techniques to quantify glycosaminoglycan content as a biomarker of lumbar intervertebral disc composition.
Abrar, Daniel
Filler, Timm
Müller-Lutz, Anja
Radiomics and machine learning assessment of multiparametric FDG-PET/MRI for evaluation of prediction of early treatment response to immune checkpoint therapy in patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC).
Umutlu, Lale
Spectral diffusion analysis for the detection and classification of prostate cancer
Schimmöller, Lars
Wittsack, Hans-Jörg
Completed projects
Einfluss von Glucocorticoiden auf die Aufnahme von 18F-Fluordesoxyglucose (18F-FDG) in entzündlich und tumorös induzierten Lymphknoten beim Kaninchen
Antoch, Gerald
Establishment of a protocol for PET/MRI enterography with [18F]-2-FDG with for the diagnosis of inflammatory and malign lesions of the small intestine
Bockisch, Andreas
Lauenstein, Thomas
Frühdiagnostik und Therapiekontrolle der Knorpelqualität an den Fingergelenken mit dGEMRIC bei Rheumatoider Arthritis
Miese, Falk R.
Functional assessment of renal pathologies: Diameter mapping of renal tubules using non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging
Lanzman, Rotem
Wittsack, Hans-Jörg
Hybrid MR-PET for whole-body staging in breast cancer
Buchbender, Christian
Kirchner, Julian
Knochen-Engineering mit humanen Nabelschnurblutstammzellen in vivo
Handschel, Jörg
ValidEIT - Validation of regional lung perfusion based on electrical impedance tomography (EIT) by computed tomography (CT) and invasive flow measurement (Swan-Ganz catheter)
Leonhardt, Steffen
Reinartz, Sebastian
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Multiparametric MRI of the prostate in combination with hyperpolarized 13C spectroscopy in active surveillance of patients with low-risk prostate carcinoma as replacement of repetitive biopsy.
Ullrich, Tim
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Struktur-Funktionsbeziehungen der sensomotorischen Hirnrinde und ihre Störungen
(Project Heads
Freund, Hans-Joachim
Mödder, Ulrich
Clinical Trials
Current projects
Multiparametric 18F-FDG PET/MRI for assessment and prediction of locoregional therapy response in HER2-positive breast cancer patients using artificial intelligence
Kirchner, Julian
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
MR-PET für medizinische Bildgebung
Herrmann, Ken