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Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Chemie und Lebensmittelchemie
Professur für Anorganische Chemie I
Bergstraße 66
01069 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01069 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
Advancing the characterization of open framework compounds by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy (PAS)
Attallah Elsherif, Ph.D., Ahmed Gamal
Kaskel, Stefan
Functionalization of Diatom Biosilica and Morphologically Controlled Mineralization of Porous Hybrid Materials
Brunner, Eike
Kaskel, Stefan
Impact of structure on terahertz vibrational modes (phonons) in metal-organic frameworks
Senkovska, Irena
Completed projects
Adsorption kinetics in hierarchical porous carbide derived carbon materials
Kaskel, Stefan
Development of a novel processing route for dispersoid/precipitation-strengthened high conductive copper alloys by using metallized nano ceramics in additive manufacturing
Grothe, Julia
Jahns, Katrin
Krupp, Ulrich
Fundamental Understanding of Negative Gas Adsorption in Mesoporous Solids: Towards threshold sensitive mechanical actuators
Kaskel, Stefan
Gleichgewichtsuntersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung Bodenkörperzusammensetzung-Gasphase an den Molybdaten der d10-Elemente Cu, Zn, Ag und Cd
Reichelt, Werner
In situ NMR spectroscopic investigations of ion adsorption mechanisms on nanoporous carbon materials
Brunner, Eike
Kaskel, Stefan
Investigation into phase equilibria in the systems M2O3-MX3-SeO2 (M=Ln, Bi; X=U,Br, I) for determination of new ternary, quaternary and pentanary phases their structural, thermical and caloric properties
Oppermann, Heinrich
Synthese und Strukturaufklärung von Polytelluriden von d- und f-Metallen
Böttcher, Peter
Synthesis of hydrolytically stable metal-organic frameworks by control of inner surface hydrophobicity
Kaskel, Stefan
Ternäre Übergangsmetallnitride und -carbide mit hoher spezifischer Oberfläche und definierter Porenmorphologie für die Propandehydrierung - Materialsynthese, katalytische Tests und Reaktorkonzepte
Kaskel, Stefan
Untersuchungen zum Phasenbestand und zu den thermodynamischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Seltenerd/Selen/Sauerstoff-Verbindungen Ln/Se/O (Ln = Y, Nd, Sm, Dy)
Oppermann, Heinrich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Redox-active covalent organic frameworks for batteries based on abundant metals (Na, Mg, Al) (RACOF-NMA)
Brunner, Eike
Feng, Xinliang
Kaskel, Stefan
Completed projects
Coordination in the DFG Priority Program 1362 (MOFs)
Kaskel, Stefan
Electrocatalytic Coordination Networks
Brunner, Eike
Feng, Xinliang
Kaskel, Stefan
Katalytisch aktive SiC-Nanokomposite aus molekularen Vorstufen - Synthese, Charakterisierung und katalytische Tests
Herrmann, Mathias
Kaskel, Stefan
New Functional Metal-Organic Frameworks for (Enantio)selective Catalysis and Separation
Brunner, Eike
Glorius, Frank
Kaskel, Stefan
Klemm, Elias
Präparation und Charakterisierung von Kathodenmaterialien hoher elektrokatalytischer Aktivität für SOFC mit einer Betriebstemperatur um 600°C
Ullmann, Helmut
SPP 1362: Porous Metal-Organic Frameworks
Kaskel, Stefan
Untersuchungen zum chemischen Transport intermetallischer Phasen
Oppermann, Heinrich
Research Units
Completed projects
Coordination Funds
Kaskel, Stefan
FOR 2433: Switchable Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOF-Switches)
Kaskel, Stefan
Synthesis of switchable MOFs for gas and liquid phase separations: Tailored model materials for understanding selectivity
Kaskel, Stefan
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Röntgenpulverdiffraktometer mit Adsorptionskammer
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Metal Hydride Confinement in Functionalized Porous Hosts: Tuning Hydrogen Release Thermodynamics and Kinetics
Schneemann, Andreas
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Solution Processing of Side Chain Functionalized 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks
(Project Head
Schneemann, Andreas
Surface Chemistry and Electrocatalytic Functions of 2D Metal-Organic Frameworks
(Project Head
Kaskel, Stefan
Sustainable Research Data Management
(Project Heads
Heine, Thomas
Kaskel, Stefan
Nagel, Wolfgang E.
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2861: Planar Carbon Lattices
Heine, Thomas
Additional Information
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