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Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit
Institut für molekulare Virologie und Zellbiologie (IMVZ)
Südufer 10
17493 Greifswald
This institution in GERiT
17493 Greifswald
Research Grants
Current projects
Characterization of new telomeric proteins in C. elegans
Butter, Falk
Characterization of regulatory RNA folds in human cells
Butter, Falk
Molecular Design, Synthesis, and Pharmacology of Novel and Selective Histone Deacetylae 10 (HDAC10) Inhibitors
Krämer, Oliver Holger
Sippl, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Bedeutung viraler Proteine für die Neuroinvasion durch Herpesviren
Mettenleiter, Thomas C.
Bedeutung viraler Proteine für die Neuroinvasion durch Herpesviren
Mettenleiter, Thomas C.
Characterization of Adaptor proteins and their Posttranslational Modifications involved in ALT (alternative lengthening of telomeres) using Proteomics
Butter, Falk
Elucidation of virulence determinants of highly pathogenic non-H5, non-H7 avian influenza viruses
Abd El-Whab, El-Sayed Mohammed
Funktionelle Charakterisierung Spezies-spezifischer Gene und Genprodukte des Virus der infektösen Laryngotracheitis der Hühner (ILTV)
Fuchs, Walter
Funktionen viraler Proteine bei Morphogenese und Freisetzung von Herpesviren
Mettenleiter, Thomas C.
Identifikation von Virulenzdeterminanten hochpathogener aviärer Influenza-A-Viren
Stech, Jürgen
Impact of telomere-associated protein complexes on VSG expression site regulation and structure in Trypanosoma brucei
Butter, Falk
Janzen, Christian
Molecular Basis for Nuclear Egress of Herpesviruses
Mettenleiter, Thomas C.
Molekulare Mechanismen der Infektionsinitiation bei Herpesviren
Mettenleiter, Thomas C.
Pathogenesis of Avian Influenza H7N1 and H7N7 Viruses in Poultry: Virulence Determinants, Adaptation and Within-Host Infection Dynamics of Low and High Pathogenicity Viruses
Abd El-Whab, El-Sayed Mohammed
Proteome analysis of lymphocytes after infection and transformation by the oncogenic Mareks Disease Virus.
Karger, Axel
Kaufer, Ph.D., Benedikt Bertold
Quantitative proteomics to characterize the telosome
Butter, Falk
Relevance of proteins which are coded by the phosphoprotein gene of Newcastle disease virus for the virulence in the natural host
Römer-Oberdörfer, Angela
Structure-Function Analysis of Herpesvirus Glycoprotein H
Mettenleiter, Thomas C.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Molecular mechanisms of primary and secondary envelopment in herpesvirus morphogenesis
Mettenleiter, Thomas C.
Quantitative Interactomics to characterize lncRNPs in vitro and in vivo
Butter, Falk
RNA-protein interactomics to read the yeast mRNP code
Butter, Falk
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochauflösendes Massenspektrometer mit uHPLC (A)
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Service project: Quantitative proteomics
(Project Heads
Beli, Petra
Butter, Falk
Chen, Jiaxuan
Completed projects
Quantitative interactomics of specific types of DNA damage
(Project Head
Butter, Falk
Current projects
C03 Mass spectrometry of RNA and proteins in modified RNPs
(Project Heads
Butter, Falk
Helm, Mark
Jäschke, Andres
Impact of RNA modifications on RNA processing and stimulation of innate immune Toll-like receptors 7/8
(Project Heads
Butter, Falk
Dalpke, Alexander
Additional Information
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