Universität Bielefeld
Fakultät für Physik
Arbeitsgruppe Mathematische Physik
Universitätsstraße 25
33615 Bielefeld
This institution in GERiT
33615 Bielefeld
Research Units
Completed projects
Selbstorganisierte Kritikalität
Blanchard, Philippe
Stochastik der Schichtstrukturen
Blanchard, Philippe
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Effective Field Theory Partition Functions: solutions from finite and infinite dimensional matrix integrals
Akemann, Gernot
Research Grants
Completed projects
Dynamische Dichte-Matrix Renormierungsgruppe
Blanchard, Philippe
Products of Random Matrices: from New Results to Applications
Akemann, Gernot
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Coupled random matrices in field theory and statistical mechanics
(Project Head
Akemann, Gernot
Universal and asymptotic distributions in high-dimensional probability
(Project Heads
Akemann, Gernot
Götze, Friedrich
International Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2235: Searching for the regular in the irregular: Analysis of singular and random systems
Kaßmann, Rolf Moritz
Completed projects
GRK 881: Quantum Fields and Strongly Interacting Matter: From Vacuum to Extreme Density and Temperature Conditions
Laermann, Edwin
GRK 1132: Stochastics and Real World Models
Röckner, Michael
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 231: Structure Formation
Beyn, Wolf-Jürgen