Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
Institut für Technische Chemie und Polymerchemie
Engesserstraße 18/20
76128 Karlsruhe
This institution in GERiT
76128 Karlsruhe
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Advancing squaric acid amides as new electrode materials for energy storage - From novel small building blocks to organic polymers towards full organic batteries
Bresser, Dominic
Hansmann, Max Martin
Théato, Patrick
Coordination Funds
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Oberflächendynamik von inverser Ni- und Cu- Katalysatoren: Neue Konzepte für die CO2-Hydrierung durch Promotierung mit reduzierbaren Oxiden
Behrens, Malte
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Studt, Felix
SPP 2080: Catalysts and reactors under dynamic conditions for energy storage and conversion
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Completed projects
Morphologie und elektronische Struktur von organischen Schichten in Feld-Effekt-Transistoren
Umbach, Eberhard
Multiscale Analysis and Rational Design of Dynamically Operated Integrated Catalyst-Reactor Systems for Methanation of CO2
Gläser, Roger
Sheppard, Thomas
Sundmacher, Kai
Sorption-Enhanced CO2 Hydrogenation to Methanol under Dynamic Reaction Conditions
Deutschmann, Olaf
Gläser, Roger
Jentys, Andreas
Structure-performance relationships of Ir-Ru electrodes for oxygen evolution during dynamic operation
Cherevko, Serhiy
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Krewer, Ulrike
Untersuchung der Vermischung einphasiger fluider Gemische in einer Jet-in Crossflow-Anordnung mittels laserdiagnostischer Verfahren
Suntz, Rainer
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Spectroscopy and photochemistry of the Watson-Crick base pairs in supersonic expansions
Häber, Thomas
Research Grants
Current projects
NSF-DFG Echem: Electrochemically enhanced low-temperature catalytic ammonia synthesis
Deutschmann, Olaf
Completed projects
Advanced rheological studies of glass-forming colloidal dispersions: Combining experiment and theory
Fuchs, Matthias
Wilhelm, Manfred
Chemilumineszenz und quantitatives OH-Imaging in stationären turbulenten Flammen
Bockhorn, Henning
Chemische Gasphaseninfiltration von orientierten Kohlenstoffnanorohrschichten: Grundlagen, Pyrokohlenstoffabscheidung, Materialeigenschaften
Deutschmann, Olaf
Kappes, Manfred
Dynamic catalysts for the production of clean energy
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Experimental investigation and numerical simulation of the orientation processes in block copolymers on a macroscopic and a molecular level
Müller, Marcus
Wilhelm, Manfred
Homogenous gas-phase reactions in exhaust-gas tail pipes of internal combustion engines
Deutschmann, Olaf
Kohse-Höinghaus, Katharina
Katalytische partielle Oxidation niederer Alkane bei kurzen Aufenthaltszeiten
Warnatz, Jürgen
Katalytische partielle Oxidation niederer Alkane bei kurzen Aufenthaltszeiten
Deutschmann, Olaf
Kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Kohlenstoff durch chemische Gasphaseninfiltration: Experimentelle Analyse und numerische Simulation des Herstellungsprozesses
Deutschmann, Olaf
Materials World Network: Multi-Scale Study of Chemical Vapor Infiltrated Carbon/Carbon Composites
Böhlke, Thomas
Deutschmann, Olaf
Photo-Induced Polymerization Reactions: Quantitative Information via Mass Spectrometry and Femtosecond Pump-Probe Absorption Studies
Barner-Kowollik, Christopher
Unterreiner, Andreas-Neil
Reactivity of particles from gasoline engines: Relation to particle characteristics and engine parameters
Koch, Thomas
Suntz, Rainer
Trimis, Dimosthenis
Reaktionsmechanismen der partiellen Oxidation und autothermen Reformierung von höheren Aliphaten
Deutschmann, Olaf
Selective catalytic reduction of NOx with NH3 over Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts: Studies on the pronounced dual-maxima profile of the NOx-conversion
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Single Site Catalysis for Direct Conversion of Methane to Ethylene and Aromatics: Design, Test and Operando Characterization
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Study of the crystallization behavior of model polyolefins under quiescent and flow conditions using hyphenated techniques of rheology, NMR, and X-ray scattering
Mecking, Stefan
Wilhelm, Manfred
Synthesis and characterization of block copolymers with photoclevable junctions
Gutmann, Jochen
Théato, Patrick
Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Linear and Long-Chain Branched Homopolymer Topologies via Modular Ligation
Barner-Kowollik, Christopher
Wilhelm, Manfred
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 5715: Bridging Concepts in Thermo- and Electro-Hydrogen Peroxide Catalysis (HyPerCat)
Behrens, Silke
Operando characterization of catalysts during H2O2 synthesis
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Completed projects
FOR 1993: Multi-functional Conversion of Chemical Species and Energy
Atakan, Burak
Igntition by mechanical sparks
Häber, Thomas
Mathematical optimization of operating conditions in chemical energy conversion in piston engines
Deutschmann, Olaf
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Automatisierung des interdisziplinären Forschungsdatenmanagements für die Kata-lyse
(Project Heads
Deutschmann, Olaf
Hanf, Schirin
Sheppard, Thomas
Studt, Felix
Catalytic Monoliths with Narrow Particle Size Distribution in Washcoats with Well-Defined Gradients
(Project Heads
Behrens, Silke
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Central Tasks and Coordination of the CRC
(Project Head
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Chemical Imaging of Structured Catalysts using High Resolution X-ray Microscopy in 2D and 3D
(Project Heads
Schroer, Christian
Sheppard, Thomas
DFT-based Microkinetic Modelling for the Oxidative Removal of Pollutants
(Project Heads
Angeli, Sofia
Studt, Felix
In situ diagnostics and control of electrowetting of carbon nanotube catalysts for application in multiphase reactors
(Project Heads
Horn, Raimund
Schroer, Christian
Sheppard, Thomas
In situ/operando Characterization of Noble Metal Clusters and Particles on Metal Oxides at Work
(Project Heads
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Wöll, Christof
Performance of Technical Reactors in Dynamic Operation
(Project Heads
Koch, Thomas
Lott, Patrick
SFB 1441: Tracking the active site in heterogeneous catalysis for emission control (TrackAct)
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
SFB 1615: SMART Reactors for Future Process Engineering
Schlüter, Michael
Space- and Time-Resolved Investigation of the Gas Phase and the Active Surface/Bulk
(Project Heads
Deutschmann, Olaf
Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk
Systematic Synthesis and Catalytic Performance Tests of Defined Noble Metal Species on Powder Supports
(Project Heads
Behrens, Silke
Casapu, Maria
Completed projects
Chemische Gasphaseninfiltration von Pyrokohlenstoff; Herstellung von kohlenstoffaserverstärktem Kohlenstoff
(Project Head
Deutschmann, Olaf
Elektronische Struktur und chemische Eigenschaften von Oberflächen und Grenzflächen
(Project Heads
Heske, Clemens
Umbach, Eberhard
Experimental Investigation of Non-stationary Isochoric Turbulent Flame Propagation at Elevated Pressure Conditions
(Project Heads
Suntz, Rainer
Zarzalis, Nikolaos
Präparation und Charakterisierung dünner II-VI-Nanopartikel-Schichten
(Project Heads
Heske, Clemens
Kumpf, Christian
Process Analysis of Diesel-Engine Comustion
(Project Heads
Spicher, Ulrich
Suntz, Rainer
Wagner, Uwe
Understanding and modeling the influence of real operation conditions on catalyst perfor-mance
(Project Heads
Deutschmann, Olaf
Koch, Thomas
Emmy Noether International Fellowships
Completed projects
Hocheffiziente Chalkopyrit-Solarzellen durch gezielte Bandanpassung der Heterokontakte
Bär, Marcus
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High-Output Catalyst Development Platform
Mobile UHV-XES-Experimentierstation
Mobile UHV-XES-PES-Experimentierstation
Raman Spektrometer für Katalyse und in-situ Studien
Röntgendiffraktometer mit insitu-Messzelle für Hochtemperaturanwendungen
Simultane Thermo-Analysen-Apparatur
Current projects
Experimental investigation of the interaction between scalar transport and turbulence close to walls
(Project Heads
Suntz, Rainer
Trimis, Dimosthenis
Holistic investigation of chemical multiphase reactions in exhaust after treatment systems
(Project Heads
Börnhorst, Marion
Deutschmann, Olaf
Suntz, Rainer
Modelling and numerical simulation of multiphase chemical reactions
(Project Head
Deutschmann, Olaf
Completed projects
Untersuchung der Flamme-Wand-Interaktion bei rußender Verbrennung und Wandablagerungen
(Project Head
Suntz, Rainer
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Microstructure Modeling and Optimization of the Ceramics Based Materials
Piat, Romana
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
DAPHNE4NFDI - DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI
Barty, Anton
Murphy, Bridget
NFDI4Cat – NFDI for Catalysis-Related Sciences
Förster, Andreas
NFDI4Chem – Chemistry Consortium in the NFDI
Steinbeck, Christoph