Université d'Antananarivo
Faculté de Sciences
Département de Biologie Animale
B.P. 906
Antananarivo 101
Antananarivo 101
Research Grants
Completed projects
Biodiversity loss and fragmentation - matrix effects and ecosystem consequences using a hyperdiverse Malagasy amphibian assemblage as an example
Glos, Julian
Rödel, Mark-Oliver
Effects of abiotic, top-down and bottom-up factors for the vertebrate community composition of a spiny forest ecosystem in Madagascar
Ganzhorn, Jörg U.
Ökologische, physiologische und genetische Grundlagen der Differenzierung von Mausmaki-Arten in Südmadagaskar
Ganzhorn, Jörg U.
Phylogeography and conservation genetics of the golden-brown mouse lemur (Microcebus ravelobensis) in Northwestern Madagascar in the face of ancient and recent processes of genetic differentiation
Radespiel, Ute
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Variation in cardioviruses in rats and Microcebus griseorufus as a rodent-primate model for interspecific transmission of viruses
Ganzhorn, Jörg U.