Universität Augsburg
Institut für Physik
Lehrstuhl für Experimentalphysik II
Universitätsstraße 1
86159 Augsburg
This institution in GERiT
86159 Augsburg
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Optische Untersuchungen zur Variation der Dimensionalität niedrigdimensionaler Systeme durch Anwendung von Druck
Kuntscher, Christine
Research Grants
Current projects
Influence of interlayer interaction on the charge and lattice dynamics in layered transition-metal chalcogenides
Kuntscher, Christine
Optical spectroscopy study of the interplay between Dirac electrons, magnetism, and charge density waves in square-net materials
Kuntscher, Christine
Optical spectroscopy study of the pressure-induced transitions and high-pressure metallic phases in 2D van der Waals magnets MPX3
Kuntscher, Christine
Completed projects
Characterization of pressure-induced phenomena in carbon nanostructures by optical spectrosopy
Kuntscher, Christine
Photo-induced effects in functional oxides studied by time-resolved optical spectroscopy
Kuntscher, Christine
Tuning the ground state of strongly interacting low-dimensional electron systems by pressure: the cuprate spin ladder compounds
Kuntscher, Christine
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Charakterisierung des Mott-Metall-Isolator-Übergangs durch optische Spektroskopie unter Druck
(Project Head
Kuntscher, Christine
Elektronische Transporteigenschaften in der Nähe von Metall-Isolator Übergängen
(Project Heads
Horn, Siegfried Rüdiger
Klemm, Matthias
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of the charge density wave condensate in quasi-one dimensional conductors
Kuntscher, Christine
Current projects
Spin+Chirality: Controlling interfacial spin functionalities with chiral molecules
(Project Heads
Stadtmüller, Benjamin
Wittmann, Angela
Spin+Optical Control: Optical engineering of spin-ordered states on the fs timescale
(Project Heads
Aeschlimann, Martin
Elmers, Hans-Joachim
Schönhense, Gerd
Stadtmüller, Benjamin
Tuning topological electronic states and topological magnons
(Project Heads
Deisenhofer, Joachim
Kuntscher, Christine
Kézsmárki, István
Completed projects
Electronic dynamics of luminescent 3MET systems
(Project Heads
Aeschlimann, Martin
Stadtmüller, Benjamin
Spin+Coupling-Control: Control of spin-spin interactions in hybrid layer systems
(Project Heads
Cinchetti, Mirko
Stadtmüller, Benjamin
Ziegler, Christiane
Spin+Non-Equilibrium: Ultrafast non-equilibrium and transport
(Project Heads
Rethfeld, Baerbel
Schneider, Hans Christian
Stadtmüller, Benjamin