Indiana University
Department of Chemistry
800 East Kirkwood Avenue
Bloomington IN 47405-7102
Bloomington IN 47405-7102
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Nanostructured molecular clusters and solids from heavier group 15 cyanate analogues: A novel route to metal pnictides
Bestgen, Sebastian
New perspectives for Lewis acid-catalyzed [2+2] cycloadditions of allenoates
Wahl, Johannes M.
Reactivity of 2-phospa- und 2-arsaethynolate and Synthesis of their heavier homologues 2-stiba- and 2-bismuthinaethynolate
Tambornino, Frank
The Coordination Chemistry of Phospha- and Arsachalcoethynolates and the Quest to Generate Cyaphide and Cyarside
Mitzinger, Stefan
Research Grants
Current projects
NSF-DFG Confine: Building functional supraparticles through directed assembly of nonspherical nanoparticles under confinement
Engel, Michael
NSF-DFG MISSION: Elucidating the dynamics of nanocrystal formation and transformation using multimodal in-situ electron microscopy
Engel, Michael
Completed projects
Atomspektrometrie mit Glimmentladungen bei atmosphärischem Druck
Broekaert, José A. C.
Grundlegende Charakteristik der plasmaphysikalischen und spektroskopischen Eigenschaften der entwickelten Niedrigfluss-ICP-Anregungsquelle und Weiterentwicklung des statischen ICP (SHIP) im Hinblick auf bestmögliche plasmaspektrometrische Nutzbarkeit
Buscher, Wolfgang
International Collaboration in Chemistry: Novel Instrumentation for Modern Elemental Speciation Analysis
Buscher, Wolfgang
Hoffmann, Volker
Investigation of matrix effects in liquid analyses by ICP-OES/MS applying mono-disperse droplet injection
Niemax, Kay
WBP Fellowship
Completed projects
A novel strategy towards the catalytic hydroamination of alkenes: Exploiting geometrically constrained phosphorus(III) species for the activation of ammonia
Abbenseth, Josh