Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Optik und Quantenelektronik
Lehrstuhl Nichtlineare Optik
Max-Wien-Platz 1
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Research Grants
Current projects
Investigation and application of soft X-ray emission from targets containing micron-sized liquid droplets irradiated with intense laser pulses
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Metal Ion Sources and Targets for Strong-field Laser Physics
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Completed projects
Die "absolute Phase" von Einzelzyklen-Femtosekunden-Laserpulsen
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Kollektive Effekte und Quanteneffekte bei der Wechselwirkung intensiver Laserstrahlung mit Materie
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Lab-XCT_Nanometer resolution Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) using extreme ultraviolet and soft X-rays produced with laboratory laser-driven sources
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Phasenabhängige Starkfeld-Laserphysik
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Probing Correlated Ionization Dynamics
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Self-generated Terahertz Radiation and Relativistic Optics: A Novel Diagnostic for Table top Laser Particle Accelerators
Gopal, Amrutha
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2783: Probing the Quantum Vacuum at the High-Intensity Frontier
Gies, Holger
High-precision diamond X-ray polarimeters for the detection of vacuum birefringence
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Schulze, Kai Sven
Completed projects
Generation of Femtosecond Vortex Beams, Self-channeling, and Filamentation in Gaseous Media
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Phase-dependent ionization and CE-phase measurement at long wavelengths
Paulus, Gerhard G.
The HeH+ isotopologues in intense asymmetric waveforms
Gräfe, Stefanie
Lein, Manfred
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Amplified Femtosecond Laser System with High Pulse Repetition Rate
Phasen-stabilisiertes Einzelzyklen-Lasersystem mit Nachverstärker und Optisch-Parametrischer Verstärker für das mittlere Infrarot
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Imaging electronic structure changes in molecules using tailored laser fields
Kübel, Matthias
Completed projects
From Compton scattering to strong-field electrodynamics
(Project Heads
Gies, Holger
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Generation and characterization of attosecond-duration X-ray pulses in the relativistic regime
(Project Heads
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Pretzler, Georg
Veisz, Laszlo
Ionization dynamics at relativistic intensities
(Project Heads
Eichmann, Ulrich
Paulus, Gerhard G.
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Ultrafast nonlinear optics on nanolayers
(Project Heads
Kling, Matthias
Kübel, Matthias
Pfeiffer, Adrian