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Universität Bremen
Fachbereich 02: Biologie und Chemie
Centre for Biomolecular Interactions (CBIB)
Leobener Straße
28359 Bremen
This institution in GERiT
28359 Bremen
Research Grants
Current projects
Re-expression of YAP for beta-cell regeneration; beta-reYAP
Maedler, Ph.D., Kathrin
Therapeutic efficacy of antisense oligonucleotides targeting PHLPP in preclinical models of diabetes
Ardestani, Ph.D., Amin
Completed projects
Characterization of a gametophyte-specific splicing factor network in relation to its sporophytic counterpart: Implications for cell specification mechanisms
Groß-Hardt, Rita
Characterization of MST1/EGFR inhibition and its efficacy for beta cell protection in diabetes
Maedler, Ph.D., Kathrin
Die Rolle der Zellzyklusregulation bei der Zelldifferenzierung im weiblichen Gametophyten
Groß-Hardt, Rita
Die Rolle des Glutaredoxins ROXY21 beim programmierten Zelltod
Groß-Hardt, Rita
Identifizierung von LACHESIS Zielgenen in der Eizelle von Arabidopsis
Groß-Hardt, Rita
PHLPP1/2 phosphatases as new target for beta-cell-directed therapy in diabetes
Ardestani, Ph.D., Amin
Regulation der Eizellidentität im weiblichen Gametophyten durch CLOTHO und ATROPUS
Groß-Hardt, Rita
Tuning the inner-islet-immune cellular crosstalk in Type 1 Diabetes by enterovirus triggered miRNAs transferred in exosomes (Virus-Ex-beta)
Maedler, Ph.D., Kathrin
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Exploring the phosphoinositide network to modulate plant cell polarity
Heilmann, Ingo
IP-10 secretion as a possible mechanism for beta-cell death in type 2 diabetes
Maedler, Ph.D., Kathrin
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Spezifizierung von Eizellidentität im weiblichen Gametophyten von Arabidopsis
(Project Head
Groß-Hardt, Rita
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Der Interleukin-Rezeptor Atagonist (IL-1Ra) als mögliche Therapie des Diabetes: Rolle der P2X7-Rezeptoren bei der IL-1Ra Synthese und Freisetzung in den beta-Zellen der Langerhansschen Inseln im Pankreas
Glas, Ruth
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Inverses konfokales Laser-Scanning Mikroskop mit hochauflösendem Scanner
Core Facilities
Completed projects
MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry and Multi-Array Core Facility: MALDI-MULTI
Maedler, Ph.D., Kathrin
Additional Information
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