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Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
GeoZentrum Nordbayern
Lehrstuhl für Angewandte Geologie
Schloßgarten 5
91054 Erlangen
This institution in GERiT
91054 Erlangen
Research Grants
Current projects
Budgeting Oxygen Generation under Changing Light Conditions in Oligotrophic Waters (O2-GLOW)
Frank, Alexander
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
ChaosAD – Chaotic ADvection and Mixing Enhancement in Porous Media: The Quest for Experimental Evidence
Chiogna, Gabriele
Cultural contacts between South Arabia and Ethiopia: The reconstruction of the ancient cultural region of Yeha (Tigray/Ethiopia)
Gerlach, Iris
Nebes, Norbert
Impact of surface water management on groundwater mixing in Alpine catchments
Chiogna, Gabriele
Wohlmuth, Barbara
RObust Conceptualisation of KArst Transport - ROCKAT
Chiogna, Gabriele
Hartmann, Andreas
The unknown role of karst aquatic systems for terrestrial–atmospheric carbon transfer (KarLoss)
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
van Geldern, Robert
UnSAT-EIE - Coupling Soil Aquifer Treatment and Engineering Injection and Extraction to Enhance Mixing at the interface between the Saturated and the Unsaturated Zone
Basilio Hazas, Mónica
Chiogna, Gabriele
Completed projects
Environmental and biotic controls on conodont body size and teeth morphology as proxies for their feeding ecology
Jarochowska, Emilia
Geotechnische Situation und Deformationsanalyse felssturzgefährdeter Hangbereiche
Moser, Michael
How does preferential flow influence carbon transport and changes between DIC, DOC and POC? Advances with combined modeling and stable isotope approaches (Pref-Carb-Flow)
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
Implementation of neural nets for the recognition of soil slips
Moser, Michael
Influences of high reliefs on isotope hydrology and coupled climate proxies
van Geldern, Robert
Investigations into gravitational slope movements in soils and rock masses in the region of the northern Calcarous Alps
Moser, Michael
Isotopes of dissolved oxygen as dynamic tracers for aerobic turnover in surface and shallow groundwaters (IsoDO)
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
Schmidt, Christian
Numerical modelling of large-scale mass movements
Moser, Michael
Schanz, Ph.D., Tom
Oxygen dynamics in large reservoirs: A new framework for understanding the formation of metalimnetic oxygen minima
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
Rinke, Karsten
Preliminary biogeochemical investigations of small rivers in the Franconian Alb to lay foundations for detailed investigations of turnover and origin of high carbon in the Main River system
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
Sensitivity of rock permafrost to regional climate change scenarios and implications for rock wall instability
Dikau, Richard
Moser, Michael
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Biomarker und organischer Kohlenstoff in känozoischen Sedimenten des kalifornischen Kontinentalrandes: Hinweise auf Variationen in Klima und ozeanographischen Verhältnissen
Tobschall, Heinz Jürgen
Biomarker und organischer Kohlenstoff in känozoischen Sedimenten des kalifornischen Kontinentalrandes: Hinweise auf Variationen in Klima und ozeanographischen Verhältnissen
Rullkötter, Jürgen
More - Mofette Research
Barth, Ph.D., Johannes
Woith, Heiko
Water in the sub-oceanic mantle: An infrared spectroscopic study of orthopyroxene from abyssal Atlantic and Pacific peridotite
Schmädicke, Esther
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Hochauflösedes Isotopenmassenspektrometer mit Kopplung an Bulk Analytik
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2793: Sensitivity of High Alpine Geosystems to Climate Change Since 1850 (SEHAG)
Becht, Michael
Impact of climate change on groundwater storage in high Alpine catchments: from observation to model predictions
Chiogna, Gabriele
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Structural-kinematic history of crustal-scale lineaments along the South Atlantic continental margins
Frimmel, Hartwig E.
Will, Ph.D., Thomas Michael
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