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Hochschule Offenburg
Fakultät Maschinenbau und Verfahrenstechnik
Badstraße 24
77652 Offenburg
This institution in GERiT
77652 Offenburg
Research Grants
Current projects
Dynamic stability control mechanisms when facing sudden slip-like perturbations in human running
Willwacher, Steffen
Experimental and numerical assesment of the influence of hydrogen and microstructure on the fatigue behavior of duplex steels
Krupp, Ulrich
Seifert, Thomas
Growth performance, chemical composition and valorisation of residues of yellow mealworm fed with pretreated lignocellulosic biomasses.
Eisele, Thomas
Scale-Bridging Microstructure-Sensitive Assessment of Intergranular Cracking during High-Temperature Dwell-Time Fatigue of Polycrystalline Superalloys
Krupp, Ulrich
Seifert, Thomas
Urban, Daniel
Completed projects
Development of a methodology for the assessment of the fatigue life of hot forging dies based on advanced material models
Behrens, Bernd-Arno
Seifert, Thomas
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Work Hardening Effects in Single- and Polycrystals during Cyclic Loading (Bauschinger Effect)
Krupp, Ulrich
Seifert, Thomas
Influence of the cyclic thermal and mechanical loading history on crack closure, fatigue crack growth and damage interaction of cast nickel-base alloys
Schweizer, Christoph
Seifert, Thomas
Microstructure-based modelling of cast iron with lamellar graphite inclusions under cyclic plastic loadings
Seifert, Thomas
Optimierung der numerischen Verformungs- und Schädigungsberechnung zur Lebensdauerbestimmung bei Kriechermüdungsbeanspruchung
Roos, Eberhard
Seifert, Thomas
Transient and Equilibrium Measurement of Sorption of Gases on Zeolites
Staudt, Reiner
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Gravimetrische Messapparatur mit Analytik zur Bestimmung von Adsorptionseigenschaften
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Heteronuclear MOFs for applications in adsorption and redox catalysis
Gläser, Roger
Krautscheid, Harald
Staudt, Reiner
Nanoporöse Hohlkugeln zur Herstellung enantiomerenreiner Wirkstoffe und deren direkte Überführung in funktionsoptimierte Darreichungsformen
Feldmann, Claus
Johannsen, Monika
Staudt, Reiner
Türk, Michael
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Current projects
Factors affecting the safe two-legged locomotion of humans and robots - Advanced Motion Laboratory Offenburg (AMLO)
Lab for the Additive Manufacturing of Smart Materials for Medical Technology - AMSmartMed
Additional Information
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