Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Institut für Systemleichtbau
Lilienthalplatz 7
38108 Braunschweig
This institution in GERiT
38108 Braunschweig
Research Grants
Current projects
Multi-scale strain energy-based fatigue damage modeling of fibre reinforced polymers
Lüders, Caroline
Rolfes, Raimund
Completed projects
Active sound irradiation reduction into cavities
Sinapius, Michael
CISM-Kurs "Mechanics and Thermomechanics of Rubberlike Solids"
Aschenbrenner, Lars
Development of a Reliability-Based Design Approach for Unstiffened CFRP-Cylinders under Material and Structural Uncertainties
Krause, Dieter
Fatigue of polymer composites under cyclic thermal loads
Kalinka, Gerhard
Sinapius, Michael
Moden- und richtungsselektive Anregung, Empfang und Auswertung von symmetrischen oder antisymmetrischen Lambwellenmoden
Sinapius, Michael
Piezoelectric 0-0-3 Composites
De Lorenzis, Laura
Sinapius, Michael
Sound radiation of complex mode shapes
Sinapius, Michael
Verständnis für die Wirkungsweise CNT-basierter Aktuatoren
Sinapius, Michael
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2021: Acting Principles of Nano-Scaled Matrix Additives for Composite Structures
Sinapius, Michael
Methods for the utilization of endless fibre reinforced nano-composites for complex structures
Wierach, Peter
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Adaptive systems for flow sensing and control
(Project Heads
Büttgenbach, Stephanus
Dietzel, Andreas
Leester-Schädel, Monika
Sinapius, Michael
Wierach, Peter
Modellierung von Parallelstrukturen
(Project Heads
Hesselbach, Jürgen
Rose, Michael
Structural analysis for the design and realization of a flexible, gap and stepless wing leading edge device for high lift applications
(Project Heads
Horst, Peter
Monner, Hans Peter
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2947: Technological & Operational Integration of highly automated Air Transport in Urban Areas
Fricke, Hartmut