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Universität Leipzig
Felix-Bloch-Institut für Festkörperphysik
Abteilung Halbleiterphysik
Linnéstraße 5
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
High entropy semiconductor alloys
Botti, Silvana
George, Janine
Grundmann, Marius
von Wenckstern, Holger
Sn(II) Compounds as p-type Transparent Conductive Oxide Semiconductors
Grundmann, Marius
Vertical continuous composition gradient devices
Grundmann, Marius
Completed projects
Amorphous p-type spinel thin films
Grundmann, Marius
Bose-Einstein-Kondensation und Supraflüssigkeit von Exziton-Polaritonen bei Raumtemperatur
Grundmann, Marius
Cuprous iodide: epitaxy, diodes and ferromagnetism
Grundmann, Marius
Diodes based on MBE and MOVPE oxide thin films
Grundmann, Marius
Extrem verzerrte Nano- und Mikrodrähte
Grundmann, Marius
Intermediate band solar cell based on transition metal substituted Indium thiospinels
Scheer, Roland
von Wenckstern, Holger
Laser-Plasmaabscheidung von Zn2(1-x)CuxInxS2 - Dünnfilmen
Lorenz, Michael
Oxidische topologische Isolator-Dünnfilme - Darstellung und elektronische Eigenschaften
Lorenz, Michael
Raman scattering in anisotropic crystals
Grundmann, Marius
Sturm, Chris
Remanent switching of Bloch-polaritons
Sturm, Chris
Whispering Gallery Modes: Impact of resonator shape on lasing properties
Grundmann, Marius
Wurtzite zinc-based oxynitrides as promising photovoltaic absorbers: epitaxy, band-structure engineering and heterostructures
Grundmann, Marius
Zinc magnesium oxynitrides
Grundmann, Marius
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Grundmann, Marius
Research Units
Current projects
Amorphous and crystalline thin films of CuI and Cu-I based alloys by sputtering
Vogt, Sofie
Coordination Funds
Grundmann, Marius
Electrical Properties of CuI Thin Films and Bulk Material and Fabrication of CuI-based Devices
von Wenckstern, Holger
FOR 2857: Copper Iodide as Multifunctional Semiconductor
Grundmann, Marius
Microstructure-Based Optimization of Pulsed Laser Deposited CuI Thin Films
Lorenz, Michael
Selle, Susanne
Optical Properties of CuI, Doped CuI and CuI-Based Alloys
Sturm, Chris
Completed projects
Amorphous Thin Films of CuI and CuI-based Alloys
Grundmann, Marius
FOR 522: Architecture of Nano- and Microdimensional Building Blocks
Grundmann, Marius
FOR 1616: Dynamics and Interactions of Semiconductor Nanowires for Optoelectronics
Ronning, Carsten
Grenzflächen-induzierte elektro-optische Eigenschaften oxidischer Halbleiter-Ferroelektrika-Schichtstrukturen
Schubert, Mathias
Interface-related properties of oxide quantum wells
Grundmann, Marius
Grundmann, Marius
One-dimensional heterostructures and nano-forests
Grundmann, Marius
Optische Resonanzen in Mikro- und Nanozylindern mit Bragg-Reflektoren
Rheinländer, Bernd
Quantum Gases and Liquids in Semiconductor Rods
Schmidt-Grund, Rüdiger
Grundmann, Marius
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Flexible analogue and digital circuit blocks in amorphous metal oxides
Grundmann, Marius
Transferability of the co-doping concept to ternary ZnO:(Cd,Mg)
Grundmann, Marius
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Raster-Sonden-Mikroskop (AFM)
Röntgendiffraktometer für Dünnschichtanalytik und Epitaxie
Spectroscopic ellipsometer for the infrared
Widely tunable cw laser system
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Lateral Transport in Oxidic Field-effect-Structures
(Project Heads
Grundmann, Marius
von Wenckstern, Holger
Magnetoelectric effect in wurtzite-perovskite-spinel heterostructures grown by laser-MBE
(Project Head
Lorenz, Michael
Spin-dependent tunneling in oxidic heterostructures
(Project Heads
Grundmann, Marius
Mertig, Ingrid
Rosenow, Bernd
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 185: Leipzig School of Natural Sciences - Building with Molecules and Nano-objects (BuildMoNa)
Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie
NFDI technical and methodological consortia
Current projects
FAIRmat – FAIR Data Infrastructure for Condensed-Matter Physics and the Chemical Physics of Solids
Draxl, Claudia
Additional Information
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