Technische Universität München
TUM School of Life Sciences
Lehrstuhl für Biotechnologie der Nutztiere
Liesel-Beckmann-Straße 1/III
85354 Freising
This institution in GERiT
85354 Freising
Research Grants
Completed projects
Altering milk composition: Application of inducible RNAi for controlled gene expression in livestock species
Schnieke, Angelika
Derivation of livestock stem cells for applications in basic research, functional genomics, reproductive technology, biotechnology and biomedicine
Schnieke, Angelika
Generation of pigs with a genetic predisposition to pancreatic cancer
Schnieke, Angelika
Wolf, Eckhard
Genomische Lokalisierung und Analyse genetischer Variation im Bereich kartierter Wachstums- und Fett-OTL mittels consomer Mauslinien
Brockmann, Gudrun
Mammalian artificial chromosomes for gene transfer in livestock: Production of multi-transgenic pigs for xenotransplantation
Kraner, Simone
ROSA26-Cas9 transgenic pigs: a tool for in vivo genome editing
Flisikowska, Ph.D., Tatiana
Überexpression von Interferon tau (IFN-tau) in in vitro produzierten Rinderembryonen
Schellander, Karl
Collaborative Research Centres
Current projects
Defining intestinal microbiota orchestrating immune tolerance to intervene with allergic reactions to food and beyond
(Project Heads
Biedermann, Tilo
Fischer, Konrad
Schnieke, Angelika
Identifying microbiome-related mechanisms of polyp progression and regression in a porcine model for colorectal cancer
(Project Heads
Flisikowska, Ph.D., Tatiana
Saur, Dieter
Schnieke, Angelika
Completed projects
A porcine model of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
(Project Heads
Flisikowska, Ph.D., Tatiana
Schnieke, Angelika
Current projects
Cell-specific genome editing to decipher the hypertrophic effect of Meg3
(Project Heads
Bähr, Andrea
Kupatt, Christian
Schnieke, Angelika
Completed projects
Core facility for genetically engineered pig lines
(Project Heads
Kaup, Franz-Josef
Keßler, Barbara
Kues, Wilfried A.
Lucas-Hahn, Andrea
Niemann, Heiner
Petersen, Björn
Schnieke, Angelika
Wolf, Eckhard
Genetically modified pigs to modulate vascular and cellular rejection
(Project Heads
Flisikowska, Ph.D., Tatiana
Knolle, Percy Alexander
Schnieke, Angelika
Modifying the porcine genome for xeno-organ transplantation
(Project Heads
Fischer, Konrad
Kues, Wilfried A.
Lucas-Hahn, Andrea
Niemann, Heiner
Petersen, Björn
Schnieke, Angelika