Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Institut für Festkörperphysik
Laboratory Astrophysics and Cluster Physics Group
Helmholtzweg 3
07743 Jena
This institution in GERiT
07743 Jena
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Common Funds for SPP 1573
Burkert, Andreas
Development and physical reason of IR spectral features during condensation and solid phase reactions of Fe-Mg silicate systems: IR studies focused on non-stoichiometric silicates
Dohmen, Ralf
Gail, Hans-Peter
Pucci, Annemarie
Tamanai, Akemi
Ever-changing dust: unveiling dust properties across galactic environments
Zhukovska, Svitlana
Experimental studies on the low-temperature condensation of cosmic dust in the interstellar medium
Jäger, Cornelia
Formation of GEMS from interstellar silicate dust
Huisken, Friedrich
In situ-Photolumineszenzuntersuchungen an durch Laserpyrolyse hergestellten Silicium-Nanoclustern
Huisken, Friedrich
Research Grants
Current projects
Energetic photon irradiation of carbonaceous icy grains–laboratory studies on the interstellar ice-dust interface in star-forming regions
Jäger, Cornelia
From atoms to prebiotic molecules on the surface of cosmic dust grains
Jäger, Cornelia
The Search for Carriers of Diffuse Interstellar Bands
Krasnokutskiy, Sergiy
Completed projects
Characterization of structrual and optical properties of Si1 -xGex nanocrystal produced by laser-induced pyrolysis and by ion implantation
Huisken, Friedrich
Experimental Study of Diamond Formation in Astrophysical Environments
Jäger, Cornelia
Experimental study of the formation and destruction of carbonates in circumstellar and interstellar environments and their impact on the oxygen depletion in the interstellar medium
Jäger, Cornelia
Gas phase studies of astrophysically relevant biomolecules
Huisken, Friedrich
Spectroscopic studies of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with aliphatic side groups
Huisken, Friedrich
Spektroskopie von Polyaromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen zur Identifikation der Diffusen Interstellaren Banden
Huisken, Friedrich
Synthesis, processing, and spectroscopic characterization of nanometer-sized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with astrophysical impact
Huisken, Friedrich
Ultra-low temperature hydrocarbon chemistry in liquid helium droplets
Huisken, Friedrich
Ultra-low-temperature reactions of C and Si atoms inside superfluid helium nanodroplets
Krasnokutskiy, Sergiy
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2285: Debris Disks in Planetary Systems
Krivov, Alexander
Project P8: Temperature-dependent photostability and optical properties of realistic cometary ice composites
Jäger, Cornelia
Silicium-Nanokristalle in Matrizen und ihre Beziehung zur Extended Red Emission
Huisken, Friedrich
Spectroscopic investigation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons for the identification of the diffuse interstellar bands
Huisken, Friedrich