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Technische Universität Dresden
Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus
Institut für Physiologische Chemie
Fetscherstraße 74
01307 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01307 Dresden
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2599: Tissue type 2 responses: Mechanisms of induction and regulation
Roers, Axel
Completed projects
Control of high-affinity IgE responses to animal venoms by skin innate type 2 immunity
Jessberger, Rolf
Roers, Axel
Das Verhalten von Knochenzellen an biologisch funktionalisierten Verbundwerkstoffen
Hempel, Ute
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Control of Tumor Cell – Bone Metastasis By Regulation of F-Actin Dynamics
Jessberger, Rolf
Dissecting the osteoimmunological role of dickkopf-1 in arthritis and glucocorticoidinduced bone loss
Hofbauer, Lorenz C.
Rauner, Martina
Interplay between the Immune System and the Bone in the SWAP-70-/-mouse
Garbe, Annette
Jessberger, Rolf
Optimierung der Osseointegration von Knochenimplantaten durch gradierte supramolekulare Strukturen auf der Basis von Fibronektin und Kollagen der Typen I und III
Hempel, Ute
SPP 1384: Mechanisms of Genome Haploidisation
Jessberger, Rolf
Stem Cells to Germ Cells: Development of Germ Stem Cell Systems to Study Gametogenesis and Meiosis
Jessberger, Rolf
The Functions of Cohesins in Mammalia Meiosis
Jessberger, Rolf
The molecular basis of HORMAD1 dependent coordination of key meiotic processes
Tóth, Attila
The role of SWAP-70 in mast cell adhesion, migration and F-actin cytokeletal rearrangements
Jessberger, Rolf
Research Grants
Current projects
Ensuring correct meiotic chromosome behaviour: mechanisms of synaptonemal complex stabilization and extension
Tóth, Attila
Molecular pathways of meiotic prophase checkpoints in mice
Tóth, Attila
Regulation and cleavage specificity of the ER-resident intramembrane proteases SPPL2c and SPP
Mentrup, Torben
Regulation of the DNA-degrading enzyme TREX1 by intramembrane proteolysis and its implications for human auto-immune diseases as well as a model for ER proteostasis
Schröder, Bernd
The biogenesis of nucleosome arrays and their decline during cellular aging
Müller-Planitz, Felix
Completed projects
A novel mouse model for osteopetrosis
Jessberger, Rolf
A novel pathway that controls production of IgE in B cells
Jessberger, Rolf
Aufklärung molekularer Mechanismen bei der Wechselwirkung von Osteoblasten mit löslichen und immobilisierten Hyaluronsäurederivaten
Hempel, Ute
Completion of DNA break repair and crossover formation in mammalian meiosis; the critical functions of a previously uncharacterised meiotic protein, MES19
Tóth, Attila
Conformational dynamics of the ISWI chromatin remodeling enzyme
Müller-Planitz, Felix
Control of Dendritic Cell Maturation and Migration by the RhoGTPase Regulators SWAP-70 and DEF6.
Ocaña Morgner, Ph.D., Carlos
Einfluss von Tyrosinkinase-Inhibitoren auf das wachsende Skelettsystem
Hofbauer, Lorenz C.
Suttorp, Meinolf
Function of Cohesin SMC1beta in Mammalian Meiosis
Jessberger, Rolf
Functions of a newly identified meiotic protein, SCML1, and a meiosis-specific nuclear structure, the dense-body, in mice
Tóth, Attila
Functions of the Tudor-domain containing protein TDRD6 in male germ cells
Jessberger, Rolf
How do cells enter meiosis? Identification and characterisation of novel regulators of entry into the meiotic program.
Stevense, Michelle
Identification of Novel Regulators of Entry into the Meiotic Program
Stevense, Michelle
Physiological role of the intramembrane proteases SPPL2a/b in the homeostasis of tail-anchored proteins
Schröder, Bernd
Schwappach-Pignataro, Blanche
Principles of the spatiotemporal control of meiotic recombination initiation in mice
Rulands, Steffen
Tóth, Attila
Roles of Cohesins SMC3, RAD21 and STAG3 in Mammalian Meiosis
Jessberger, Rolf
Signaltransduktion und Differenzierung in Lungenepithelzellen nach Schädigung - in vitro Untersuchungen
Koslowski, Roland
Spatiotemporal control of DNA double strand break formation in mammalian germ cells by a newly discovered meiosis-specific protein, ANKRD31
Tóth, Attila
The functions of a previously uncharacterized meiotic protein, MCMDC2, that is crucial for meiotic recombination and fertility in mouse.
Tóth, Attila
The mechanism of ATP-dependent nucleosome remodeling -- Dissection of the function of important protein domains and nucleosomal epitopes
Müller-Planitz, Felix
The molecular basis of HORMAD2 functions in meiotic checkpoint control
Tóth, Attila
The molecular role of the invariant chain/CD74 and its proteolytic degradation in dendritic cell function and anti-mycobacterial immune recognition
Schröder, Bernd
The Role of CENP-V in Mammalian Meiosis
Jessberger, Rolf
The role of SWAP-70 in Dendritic Cell Activation, Antigen Presentation and Migration
Jessberger, Rolf
The Roles of Cohesin Regulator Proteins in Mammalian Meiosis
Jessberger, Rolf
Wechselwirkungen korrosions-induzierter und zellulärer reaktiver Spezies mit Titanprobekörpern und Zellen. Rückschlüsse auf die Vorgänge an der Implantat-Gewebe-Grenzfläche in vivo
Dieter, Peter
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Tóth, Attila
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
The molecular basis of maintaining genome integrity in the mammalian germline during meiosis
Tóth, Attila
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Characterization of the in vivo functions of Signal-peptide-peptidase-like 2 intramembrane proteases
(Project Heads
Saftig, Paul
Schröder, Bernd
Nucleosome spacing in a folded chromatin environment
(Project Head
Müller-Planitz, Felix
Regulation of cell adhesion, trafficking, and lymphoid tissue formation by SWAP-70
(Project Head
Jessberger, Rolf
Regulation of hematopoietic cell differentiation, adhesion, migration, and lymphoid tissue formation by the SWEF proteins
(Project Head
Jessberger, Rolf
Completed projects
Influence of artificial and native extracellular matrices on adhesion and differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells and osteoblasts
(Project Head
Hempel, Ute
Influence of multiphase-bone replacement materials and surface-modified titanium alloys on the differentiation of osteoblasts/MSC
(Project Heads
Arnhold, Stefan
Hempel, Ute
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Fluorescence Activated Cell Analyzer (FACS)
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 97: Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB)
Rödel, Gerhard
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 168: Regenerative Therapies - From Cells to Tissues to Therapies: Engineering the Cellular Basis of Regeneration
Bonifacio, Ph.D., Ezio
Brand, Michael
Calegari, Ph.D., Federico
Tanaka, Ph.D., Elly Margaret
Additional Information
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