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Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Institute of Complex Systems (ICS)
Theoretische Physik der Lebenden Materie (IBI-5/IAS-2)
52425 Jülich
This institution in GERiT
52425 Jülich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Modelling trypanosome motility in blood flow
Fedosov, Ph.D., Dmitry
Predicting forces and shapes for invasion of apicomplexan parasites into host cells
Auth, Thorsten
Dasanna, Anil Kumar
Completed projects
Bacterial Swarming: Role of Flagella in Emergent Behavior
Winkler, Roland G.
Benetzungsverhalten amphiphiler Systeme
Gompper, Gerhard
Cooperative properties of thermophoretic microswimmers
Ripoll, Marisol
Coordination Funds
Gompper, Gerhard
Flagellated and Ciliated Microswimmers
Elgeti, Jens
Gompper, Gerhard
Flow behavior of soft objects like polymers, vesicles and cells in microchannels
Gompper, Gerhard
SPP 1726: Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour
Gompper, Gerhard
Theoretische Untersuchungen zur Verteilung von Gegenionen, Kettenkonformationen und Strukturbildung von Polyelektrolyten in Lösungen
Reineker, Peter
Transportoptimierte Reaktionen in Single-File Netzwerken
Schütz, Gunter Markus
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Schütz, Gunter Markus
Research Grants
Completed projects
Boundary-driven steady states of the Hubbard model
Kollath, Corinna
Schütz, Gunter Markus
Boundary-induced phase transitions in systems of self-driven particles
Schadschneider, Andreas
Large fluctuations and extreme events in driven stochastic many-particle systems
Schütz, Gunter Markus
Nonequilibrium dynamics of stochastic many-body.
Schütz, Gunter Markus
Random matrix theory and integrable many-particle processes
Schütz, Gunter Markus
Vorhersage des Ermüdungsbruchs
Maier, Karl
Research Units
Completed projects
Modeling the flow behavior of blood cells and von Willebrand factor in primary hemostasis
Gompper, Gerhard
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Interactions of responsive soft microgels with lipid membranes
(Project Heads
Crassous, Ph.D., Jérôme
Gompper, Gerhard
Keimbildung und Wachstum in begrenzten Geometrien
(Project Heads
Gompper, Gerhard
Lipowsky, Reinhard
Microgel dynamics and transport of guest molecules
(Project Heads
Richter, Dieter
Winkler, Roland G.
Multiscale simulations of microgel structures
(Project Heads
Leonhard, Kai
Winkler, Roland G.
Oberflächeninduzierte Nanomosaikmuster durch konkurrierende Wechselwirkungen
(Project Heads
Möller, Martin
Reineker, Peter
Winkler, Roland G.
Completed projects
Colloidal Soft Matter under Shear Flow
(Project Heads
Gompper, Gerhard
Winkler, Roland G.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 328: Molecular Organisation and Dynamics at Interfaces
Kolb, Dieter M.
Additional Information
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