Technische Universität München
TUM School of Engineering and Design
Lehrstuhl für Computergestützte Modellierung und Simulation
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
This institution in GERiT
80333 München
Research Grants
Current projects
Discontinuous Finite Cell Method for the Problems of Solid Mechanics
Parvizian, Ph.D., Jamshid
Point Cloud Based Waveform Inversion
Kollmannsberger, Stefan
Rank, Ernst
Completed projects
Analyse von räumlichen Kontaktproblemen mit Finiten Elementen hoher Ordnung
Rank, Ernst
Baufortschrittskontrolle auf Basis integrierter Punktwolkeninterpretation und 4D-Bauwerksmodellierung
Borrmann, André
Stilla, Uwe
BIM-coupled vibroacoustic simulations
Rank, Ernst
Definition und Umsetzung einer Anfragesprache mit räumlich-topologischen Operatoren für die Analyse und Partitionierung von Bauwerksmodellen
Rank, Ernst
Definition und Umsetzung einer raum-zeitlichen Anfragesprache für die computergestützte Prüfung und Analyse von 4D-Bauwerksmodellen
Borrmann, André
Electro-thermo-mechanical modeling of Field Assisted Sintering Technology using high-order finite elements validated by experiments
Düster, Alexander
Hartmann, Stefan
Rank, Ernst
Experimente zur Bestimmung effektiver Materialeigenschaften und röntgentomographische Untersuchungen der subskaligen Struktur
Rank, Ernst
Integration of geometric modeling and numerical analysis based on Constructive Solid Geometry, Boundary Representation, and the Finite Cell Method Part 2: Extension to flawed geometry and volumetric spline-based models
Rank, Ernst
Numerische Homogenisierungsstrategien im Rahmen erweiterter Kontinua
Diebels, Stefan
Düster, Alexander
Rank, Ernst
Optimizing prediction and understanding of osteoporotic insufficiency fractures using surrogate models, numerical simulation and quantification of local anisotropies by X-ray Vector Radiography
Baum, Thomas
Kirschke, Jan Stefan
Pfeiffer, Franz
Rank, Ernst
The p-version of the finite element method fpr physically nonlinear problems
Rank, Ernst
Volumenorientierte Modellierung als Grundlage einer vernetzt-kooperativen Planung im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau
Rank, Ernst
Research Units
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Borrmann, André
FOR 5672: The information backbone of robotized construction based on multi-scale interlaced product-process modeling methods
Borrmann, André
Generic framework for simulating and executing robotized construction – General architecture and information backbone
Borrmann, André
Completed projects
Cooperation platform for interactive, multi-disciplinary planning of inner-city carriage ways in multi-scale building models - integration of multi-scale simulations
Mundani, Ralf-Peter
FOR 2363: Evaluation of building design variants in early phases on the basis of adaptive detailing strategies
König, Markus
High order finite elements for structural simulation in fluid-structure interaction
Rank, Ernst
Multi-scale methods for 3D city and building models - Graph-based methods for semi-automated generation of consistency-preserving multi-scale product models in infrastructure engineering
Borrmann, André
Representation and transfer of detailing operations on the basis of formal graph transformation systems
Borrmann, André
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Development of a consistent digital process chain from an adaptable modular bridge design to intelligent additive manufacturing utilising cyber-physical systems
Borrmann, André
Fischer, Oliver
Completed projects
Complex bridge structures assembled by utilising facetted planar elements made of carbon-reinforced ultra-high performance concrete - Graph-based modularisation and trajectory-sensitive production
Borrmann, André
Fischer, Oliver
High-order immersed-boundary methods in solid mechanics for structures generated by additive processes
Düster, Alexander
Rank, Ernst
Schröder, Andreas
Volumenorientierte Modellierung als Grundlage einer vernetzt-kooperativen Planung im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau
Rank, Ernst
Volumenorientierte Modellierung als Grundlage einer vernetzt-kooperativen Planung im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau
Bungartz, Hans-Joachim
Current projects
Bridging Scales - From Geometric Part Details to Construction Elements
(Project Heads
Kollmannsberger, Stefan
Rank, Ernst
Information Infrastructure Project
(Project Heads
Borrmann, André
Petzold, Frank
Wolter, Christine
Integrating Digital Design and Additive Manufacturing through BIM-Based Decision Support and Digital Twin Methods
(Project Heads
Borrmann, André
Petzold, Frank
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 81: International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE)
Rank, Ernst
Wohlmuth, Barbara