Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
Institut für Geophysik und Geoinformatik
Gustav-Zeuner-Straße 12
09599 Freiberg
This institution in GERiT
09599 Freiberg
Infrastructure Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of the San-Andreas-Fault System
Buske, Stefan
Apatite fission-track geothermochronology: Methodical experiments on samples from ICDP drill holes
Ratschbacher, Lothar
Fresh groundwater far off the coast: 3D numerical simulations of groundwater flow at the New Jersey shelf
Buske, Stefan
High-resolution Imaging of Swarm Systems through seismological re-processing of earthquakeswarm episodes employing full waveform double-difference methods [HISS]
Alexandrakis-Zieger, Ph.D., Catherine
Cesca, Simone
Ohrnberger, Matthias
High-resolution reflection and refraction seismic characterization of the projected PIER-ICDP fluid monitoring sites in the Novy Kostel swarm earthquake region
Buske, Stefan
In-Bohrloch-Tomographie von Sonic-Log-Messungen: Mechanische Stabilitätsermittlung und Erkundung von Gas-Hydrate-Bereichen
Lindner, Harald
Monitoring changes of the reflection response of the SE2 shear zone due to fluid injection into the KTB pilot borehole by an active seismic reflection experiment
Bram, Kurt
Multiscale seismic imaging of the San-Andreas-Fault system
Buske, Stefan
Seismic and Seismological Features of the Vogtland-Bohemia Earthquake Swarms - in preparation for a high resolution seismic survey and scientific drilling
Shapiro, Serge A.
Seismic characterization of the DFDP-2 drill hole environment
Buske, Stefan
Seismic site characterization - Alpine Fault drilling project
Buske, Stefan
Seismic site characterization in and around the COSC-1 drillhole
Buske, Stefan
Giese, Rüdiger
Seismic site characterization in and around the COSC-2 drillhole
Buske, Stefan
Giese, Rüdiger
Krastel, Sebastian
Research Grants
Current projects
Reconstruction Methods for Micromagnetic Tomography
Gerhards, Christian
Completed projects
BRASS: Bright Reflector Characterisation in a Geodynamically Active Region with Recurring Swarm Seismicity
Alexandrakis-Zieger, Ph.D., Catherine
Combined meshless modelling and inversion of electromagnetic data
Wittke, Jan
Electrical phenomena during carbon dioxide sequestration on the laboratory scale with respect to an electromagnetic monitoring
Repke, Jens-Uwe
Spitzer, Klaus
Entwicklung von 3d GIS Funktionalität und ihre exemplarische Anwendung
Schaeben, Helmut
Fluiduntersuchungen im Schwarmbebengebiet Vogtland/NW-Böhmen - hydrologische, geochemische und isotopische Änderungen an der Gas- und Wasserphase
Heinicke, Jens
High resolution texture analysis
Prestin, Jürgen
Schaeben, Helmut
Integrated interpretation in geoelectrics by means of 3D-simulation sensitivity analysis and inversion
Jacobs, Franz
Meshfree modelling of magnetotelluric and radiomagnetotelluric data: a new method
Tezkan, Bülent
Numerische Simulation der Ausbreitung transientelektromagnetischer Felder zur Erkundung des Untergrundes
Spitzer, Klaus
Observing conduit flow processes during Strombolian Eruptions using Transient Electromagnetics (TEM): a numerical and field approach
Hort, Matthias
Spitzer, Klaus
Optimization and pilot operation of an ODF dependent control of texture goniometers
Gottstein, Günter
Schaeben, Helmut
Physics and structure of subduction-induced geodynamic transients in terms of reflection seismic and micro-seismological signatures
Shapiro, Serge A.
Seismizität des Schwarmbebengebietes Vogtland/NW-Böhmen
Forkmann, Bernhard
Seismizität des Schwarmbebengebietes Vogtland/NW-Böhmen
Stammler, Klaus
Spectral Induced Polarization of Carbonates during Exposure to Reactive Gases under Reservoir Conditions (part II)
Herdegen, Volker
Spitzer, Klaus
Temporal Stability of the Transient Electromagnetic Response with Respect to the Development of Monitoring Techniques
Spitzer, Klaus
The possible transition of brittle failure to an aseismic process due to alteration of juvenile fluids in the NW-Bohemia/ Vogtland earthquake swarm region
Heinicke, Jens
Tomographische Erfassung geophysikalischer Kennwertverteilungen mittels Georadar und Ultraschall an hydraulisch gesteuerten Blockmodellen und im Feldexperiment
Forkmann, Bernhard
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Time-Space Multiscale Separation of Ocean Tide Generated Magnetic Signals
Gerhards, Christian
Rother, Martin
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 6: Spatial Statistics
Stoyan, Dietrich