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Universität Leipzig
Institut für Organische Chemie
Johannisallee 29
04103 Leipzig
This institution in GERiT
04103 Leipzig
Research Grants
Current projects
Catalytic, enantioselective alkylation of 1-azaallyl cations with silylketene acetals
Schneider, Christoph
Catalytic, Enantioselective Piancatelli Rearrangement
Schneider, Christoph
Catalytic Indole Synthesis through Aza-Nazarov Rearrangement of a-Hydroxy Oxime Ethers. Atropselective Synthesis of Axially Chiral 3-Arylindoles
Schneider, Christoph
Design of flavoproteins for spin-hyperpolarization in NMR
Matysik, Jörg
Zeitler, Kirsten
Development of symmetrical cyclononynes for intracellular generation of protein-protein interaction inhibitors by isomer-free, strain-promoted cycloadditions
Berg, Thorsten
Selective targeting of the highly homologous transcription factors STAT5a and STAT5b by small-molecule inhibitors of protein-protein interactions
Berg, Thorsten
Understanding and Controlling Reactions in Charge-imbalanced Layers of Soft-landed Ions by Precise Tuning of Surface Properties
Anders, André
Warneke, Jonas
Zeitler, Kirsten
Completed projects
A Convergent, Flexible, and Stereoselective Total Synthesis of the Dimeric Nuphar Alkaloids 6-Hydroxy-Thionuphlutine and 6-Hydroxy-Thiobinupharidine
Schneider, Christoph
Aldol-Tishchenko-Reaktionen mit Ketonaldoladdukten als Enoläquivalenten zur direkten, katalytischen und enantioselektiven Synthese polyhydroxylierter Verbindungen
Schneider, Christoph
A new principle for the functional inhibition of protein-protein interactions
Berg, Thorsten
Bioorthogonal generation of high-affinity inhibitors of protein-protein interactions
Berg, Thorsten
Catalytic, Asymmetric Halogenations mediated by hypervalent Iodanes
Gulder, Tanja
Development of inhibitors of the protein-protein interaction domain of the transcription factor STAT4
Berg, Thorsten
Efficient, catalytic, asymmetric crossed acyloin condensations
Zeitler, Kirsten
Eine effiziente Strategie zur regioselektiven Funktionalisierung von mehrfunktionellen alpha-Amino-, alpha-Hydroxy- und alpha-Mercaptosäuren
Burger, Klaus
Eine konvergente und einheitliche Strategie zum Aufbau höherer Polydeoxypropionat-Naturstoffe - stereoselektive Synthesen der Membranlipidkomponenten Mycoceran- , Phthioceran- und Hydroxyphthioceransäure aus M. tuberculosis
Schneider, Christoph
Enantioselective, Brønsted acid-catalyzed cycloadditions of alkylidene-2H- and alkylidene-3H-pyrroles towards the rapid and stereoselective assembly of bicyclic nitrogen heterocycles
Schneider, Christoph
Enantioselektive, Metall-katalysierte Ringöffnung von meso-Aziridinen - ein einfacher und direkter Zugang zu hochenantiomerangereicherten, ß-funktionalisierten Aminen
Schneider, Christoph
Enantio- und diastereoselektive, katalytische, vinyloge Mukaiyama-Mannich- und Mukaiyama-Michael-Reaktionen acyclischer Silyldienolate
Schneider, Christoph
Erste Totalsynthese des Polyen-Makrolid-Antibiotikums RK-397 durch eine neuartige Polyolsynthese-Strategie und Aufklärung seiner relativen und absoluten Konfiguration
Schneider, Christoph
Fluoreszenzspektroskopische Untersuchungen von Wechselwirkungsphänomenen am GM2-Aktivatorprotein, dem "penicillin binding protein 1b" und der Ribonuclease T1
Blume, Alfred
Inter- und intramolecular, phosphoric acid-catalyzed reactions of in situ-generated ortho-quinone methides and ortho-quinone methide imines towards the enantioselective synthesis of benzoannulated oxygen and nitrogen heterocycles
Schneider, Christoph
Katalytische, enantioselektive Addition von Alkoholen, Aminen, Thiolen und C-Nucleophilen an meso-Epoxide mit Hilfe eines universellen chiralen Scandium-Bipyridin-Komplexes
Schneider, Christoph
Moenomycin A als Werkzeug zur Aufklärung von Struktur und Wirkungsweise des Transglycosylierungsenzyms bei der Peptidoglycanbiosynthese und als Leitstruktur für neuartige Antibiotika
Welzel, Peter
Molekulare Erkennung der Adenylylcyclase durch Forskolin Synthetische, strukturelle und funktionelle Aspekte, Anwendungsperspektiven
Welzel, Peter
Molekulare Erkennung von chemotaktischen Peptiden und Chemokinen
Burger, Klaus
Neue, potentiell photochrome Spiroverbindungen via Ringtransformation von Heterocyclen
Zimmermann, Thomas
Simultane Inhibition von katalytischen Domänen und Protein-Protein-Wechselwirkungsdomänen als Ansatz zur Generierung monospezifischer Kinaseinhibitoren am Beispiel von Plk1
Berg, Thorsten
Synthese und biologische Evaluierung von Cyclopamin und seiner Analoga als Inhibitoren des Hedgehog-Signaltranduktionsweges
Giannis, Athanassios
Synthese und biologische Evaluierung von Inhibitoren der Acyl-Protein Thioesterase 1 (APT1) zur Untersuchung der biologischen Bedeutung der reversiblen Protein-Palmitoylierung
Giannis, Athanassios
Synthese und biologische Testung von Inhibitoren der Acyl-Protein Thioesterase APT1 zur Untersuchung der biologischen Bedeutung der reversiblen Protein-Palmitoylierung
Waldmann, Herbert
Totalsynthese des Mikrotubuli-stabilisierenden marinen Naturstoffs (+)-Pelorusid A und Untersuchung von Struktur-Aktivitätsbeziehungen an analogen Verbindungen
Schneider, Christoph
Total synthesis and biological evaluation of C-nor-D-homo Steroids
Giannis, Athanassios
Priority Programmes
Completed projects
Enantioselektive, Bronsted-Säure-kalalysierte, vinyloge Mannich- und Michael-Reaktionen
Schneider, Christoph
Integration carbenkatalytisch generierter Intermediate in organokatalytische Domino- und Kaskadenreaktionen
Zeitler, Kirsten
Research Units
Completed projects
Continuous flow synthesis of sulfur heterocycles via cycloaddition reactions of photochemically generated transient thioaldehydes
Schneider, Christoph
FOR 2177: Integrated Chemical Micro Laboratories
Belder, Detlev
Impedimetric monitoring in microfluidic reaction systems for small molecule detection in flow
Robitzki, Andrea A.
Multicatalytic synthesis with 1,3-dipoles in microfluidic systems
Zeitler, Kirsten
Multistep chip reactors with an integrated continuous separation
Belder, Detlev
Synergistic Photocatalysis with short-lived intermediates in microfluidic systems
Zeitler, Kirsten
Thiamine-inspired novel organocatalytic reactions with heterazolium precatalysts
Zeitler, Kirsten
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Completed projects
Learning from natures's lessons: development of bioinspired catalysts for selective oxidative halogenations and their application for the creation of potent biomedical agents
Gulder, Tanja
Heisenberg Professorships
Completed projects
Biomimetic Catalysis
Gulder, Tanja
WBP Position
Current projects
Fluorinations and Pentafluorosulfanylations via Upcycling of the Greenhouse Gas Sulfurhexafluoride: CatalyticFix-SF6
Biswas, Ph.D., Aniruddha
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
Asymmetric synthesis of substituted tetrahydro-gamma- carbolines and pyrrolo-[4,3,2 de]isochinolines by "Iso" Pictet-Spengler reactions with ciral silans as Lewis acids and biological testing of the novel N-heterocycles
Schönherr, Heike
Total Synthesis of the Terpenoid Phthalazinone Azamerone
Gulder, Tanja
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
400 MHz FT-NMR-Spektrometer
400 MHz NMR console with probe and autosampler
600 MHz-spectrometer with probes and autosampler
Current projects
Base-Promoted Oxidative PCET Remote Functionalization
(Project Head
Zeitler, Kirsten
Design and application of novel TADF compounds for triplet–triplet upconverting photocatalysis
(Project Heads
Deibel, Carsten
Zeitler, Kirsten
Molecular thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters and their spin-dynamics
(Project Heads
Deibel, Carsten
Wiebeler, Christian
Zeitler, Kirsten
Photochemical Polyene Cyclizations in Microheterogenous, Fluorinated Environments
(Project Head
Gulder, Tanja
Solid-state photo-CIDNP NMR applying flavin systems
(Project Heads
Gulder, Tanja
Matysik, Jörg
Solovyov, Ph.D., Ilia
Completed projects
Synthesis and allocation of oligomeric and polymeric glycosaminoglycans and artificial extracellular matrices
(Project Heads
Giannis, Athanassios
Scharnweber, Dieter
Schiller, Jürgen
Schnabelrauch, Matthias
Research Training Groups
Current projects
GRK 2721: Hydrogen Isotopes 1,2,3H
Asmis, Knut R.
GRK 3082: Engineering covalent bonds in molecules and materials
Scheschkewitz, David
Completed projects
GRK 378: Mechanisms and Applications of Non-Conventional Oxidation Reactions
Hey-Hawkins, Evamarie
Additional Information
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