Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación
Kr 7B Bis Nro. 132-28
Research Grants
Completed projects
Auto-configurable, self-healing distributed wireless sensor-networks supporting high dependability for critical applications
Kraemer, Rolf
Weigel, Robert
Compressed Localization and Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio and Distributed Radio Surveillance
Mathar, Rudolf
Thomä, Reiner
Compressed Localization and Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radio and Distributed Radio Surveillance (CLASS)
Mathar, Rudolf
Thomä, Reiner
Polarimetric Ultra-Wideband MiMo-Radar for IED-Detection and High-Resolution Imaging Acronym: MEDICI-POLARIs
Baer, Christoph
Barowski, Jan
Sachs, Jürgen
Simulator Driven Machine Learning on Embedded Systems for GPR Navigation and IED Detection, Akronym: MEDICI-LIBERTAD
Baer, Christoph
Hübner, Michael
Schulz, Christian
Tracing the impact of the Andean uplift - Evolution of St. John's wort (Hypericum L.) in South America: historical biogeography, character evolution, niche shifts and age estimations
Nürk, Nicolai M.