Project Details
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Lebenswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Institut für Biologie
- Research Grants
- Research Units
- Independent Junior Research Groups
- Heisenberg Professorships
- Heisenberg Grants
- Reinhart Koselleck Projects
- Major Research Instrumentation
- Collaborative Research Centres
- Priority Programmes
- CRC/Transregios
Current projects
Central scientific project Z1 - Quantitative biology experiments and novel approaches for identifying integrators(Project Heads Kleine, Tatjana ; Klipp, Edda ; Kunz, Hans-Henning ; Leister, Dario ; Neuhaus, Ekkehard ; Ohler, Uwe ; Schmitz-Linneweber, Christian ; Schroda, Michael ; Treves, Ph.D., Haim )
Completed projects
Current projects
- Research Fellowships
- Major Instrumentation Initiatives
- Research Training Groups
- International Research Training Groups
- Clusters of Excellence
- Clusters of Excellence (ExStra)
Current projects
EXC 2008: UniSysCat(Spokespersons Dobbek, Holger ; Drieß, Matthias ; Mroginski, Ph.D., Maria Andrea ; Rappsilber, Juri ; Thomas, Arne )
Current projects
- Graduate Schools
- NFDI technical and methodological consortia