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Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels (LIB)
Zentrum für Molekulare Biodiversitätsforschung (zmb)
Adenauerallee 127
53113 Bonn
This institution in GERiT
53113 Bonn
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Wägele, Heike
Research Grants
Current projects
A gradient of sexual selection and sexual conflict: parental investment and sex-role reversal and their genomic footprints
Böhne, Astrid
Roth, Olivia
Drivers and constraints of rapid adaptive diversification in Lake Poso ricefishes, an emerging model species flock
Böhne, Astrid
Herder, Fabian
Drivers and dynamics of sex chromosome evolution in African cichlid fishes
Böhne, Astrid
Evolutionary genetics of convergent mimicry colour patterns in bumble bees
Stolle, Eckart
New Caledonian biogeography from the perspective of snails from springs and groundwater
Haase, Martin
Podsiadlowski, Lars
Completed projects
Combining target DNA enrichment and morphology to understand the evolution of Dexiarchia (Nudibranchia, Heterobranchia, Gastropoda, Mollusca)
Donath, Alexander
Wägele, Heike
Community assembly and species coexistence in Sulawesi’s stream fishes
Herder, Fabian
Genomic analysis of the morphologically simplified endoparasitic crustacean Sacculina carcini
Podsiadlowski, Lars
Mitochondriale Gentranslokationen als phylogenetische Merkmale innerhalb der Peracariden (Arthropoda: Crustacea)
Podsiadlowski, Lars
Plastid longevity in sacoglossan sea slugs
Gould, Sven B.
Rekonstruktion der Phylogenese der Opisthobranchia und ihrer subordinierten Taxa mit Hilfe molekularer Marker
Wägele, Heike
Rekonstruktion der Phylogenese der Opistobranchia und ihrer subordinierten Taxa
Wägele, Heike
Sacoglossa - Evolution der Ernährung und Chloroplasteneinlagerung
Wägele, Heike
Secondary Metabolites of Cladobranchia (Opisthobranchia, Nudibranchia): Correlation with Food organisms and with the Functionality of Cnidosacs
König, Gabriele M.
Wägele, Heike
Short-legged daddy longlegs: An integrative and comprehensive approach to unravel the evolution of the enigmatic spiders of the daddy longlegs subfamily Ninetinae (Araneae: Pholcidae)
Huber, Bernhard A.
Michalik, Ph.D., Peter
Southeast Asian pholcid spiders: diversity, phylogenetic relationships, and multiple convergent shifts among microhabitats
Huber, Bernhard A.
Thelytokous reproduction and its long-term genomic consequences
Stolle, Eckart
Understanding kleptoplasty in Sacoglossa (Heterobranchia, Gastropoda) - a cellular histochemical and genomic approach
Bartolomaeus, Thomas
König, Gabriele M.
Preisfeld, Gela
Wägele, Heike
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Establishing a standardized and universally applicable set of nuclear-encoded markers for genome-wide multi-locus species delimitation of metazoans
Ahrens, Dirk
Mayer, Christoph
Misof, Ph.D., Bernhard
Niehuis, Oliver
Podsiadlowski, Lars
Recurring phenotypic loss: Repeatability of genome and regulatory evolution
Colgan, Ph.D., Thomas Joseph
Nowick, Katja
Stolle, Eckart
Wipfler, Benjamin
Completed projects
Comparative mitochondrial genomics of Bilateria
Podsiadlowski, Lars
Radiation of Sacoglossa (Opisthobranchia, Gastropoda) as a function of long term retention of chloroplasts, and usage of their metabolites
Wägele, Heike
Research Units
Completed projects
FOR 2281: Sociality and the reversal of the fecundity-longevity trade-off
Korb, Judith
Additional Information
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