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Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden
Zentrum für Translationale Knochen-,
Gelenk- und Weichgewebeforschung
Fetscherstraße 74
01307 Dresden
This institution in GERiT
01307 Dresden
Research Grants
Current projects
3D bioprinted in vitro bone models
Bernhardt, Anne
Additive manufacturing of a novel class of implants with heterogeneous structures, combining different biomaterials and printing methods
Gelinsky, Michael
Collagen-based implant materials with central agent depot for the therapy of bone defects
Gelinsky, Michael
Development of advanced healthy and diseased in vitro 3D glomerulus model for drug testing and understanding kidney disease mechanisms
Gelinsky, Michael
Development of indication-specific implant materials for the osteoporotic bone on the basis of strontium-modified calcium phosphate bone cements
Lode, Anja
Local and long-term bacteriophage delivery by biomaterial-based concepts for the treatment of implant-associated infections
Lode, Anja
Rupp, Markus
Completed projects
Anisotrope Porengefüge in Hydroxylapatit-Biokeramik für das Tissue Engineering von Hartgewebe
Gelinsky, Michael
Herbig, Reinhard
Ikonomidou, Hrissanthi
Application of additive manufacturing technologies for the realization of clinically relevant cocultures of mammalian cells and microalgae
Krujatz, Felix
Lode, Anja
Biodegradable and elastic flock scaffolds from a single material system based on chitosan for articular cartilage regeneration
Gelinsky, Michael
Hoffmann, Gerald
Hund, Rolf-Dieter
Biofunctionalization of cancellous bone allografts for the therapy of critical size bone defects
Vater, Corina
Establishment of a 3D in vitro co-culture model for the investigation of cross talk between osteocytes, osteoclasts and osteoblasts
Bernhardt, Anne
Flocktechnologisch erzeugte Scaffolds für das Tissue Engineering
Gelinsky, Michael
Hierarchically structured biphasic scaffolds mimicking osteochondral tissue
Gelinsky, Michael
Modification of calcium phosphate bioceramics with biologically active metal ions for a specific control of cellular reactions
Gbureck, Uwe
Gelinsky, Michael
Rammelt, Stefan
Monitoring of osteoclast formation and activity on different scaffolds for bone replacement by means of microscopy
Hanke, Thomas
New generation of 3D scaffolds for patient-specific therapies in orthopedic applications
Gelinsky, Michael
Real time monitoring of metabolism of cells encapsulated in 3D bioprinted hydrogels to bioengineer a liver sinusoid model
Akkineni, Ph.D., Ashwini Rahul
Simultane osteogene und chondrogene Differenzierung von mesenchymalen Stammzellen in biphasischen Scaffolds aus marinen Kollagenen
Bernhardt, Anne
Tissue Engineering einer vorderen Kreuzbandplastik auf der Basis resorbierbarer, gestickter Träger
Gelinsky, Michael
Heinrich, Gert
Schulze-Tanzil, Gundula
Trägermaterialien, Klebeschichten, biochemische Funktionalisierung und Zellbesiedlung von neuartigen, flocktechnologisch erzeugten Scaffolds
Pompe, Wolfgang
Priority Programmes
Current projects
SporoPrinting – 3D matrices for immobilizing and controlling functionalized SporoBeads of B. subtilis as a structured protein displaying ELM platform with adaptive functions
Gelinsky, Michael
Mascher, Thorsten
Completed projects
Chemische und zellbiologische Steuerung der in vitro-Remodellierung von Hydroxylapatit
Pompe, Wolfgang
Green Bioprinting - Novel Environment for Agglomeration of Plant Cells
Lode, Anja
Steingroewer, Juliane
Physical and cellbiological characterization of the interaction of human osteoblasts with the structured titanium surfaces
Monsees, Thomas
Pompe, Wolfgang
Completed projects
Calcium phosphate bone cements for local therapy of defects of the systemically diseased bone
(Project Heads
Gelinsky, Michael
Lode, Anja
Establishment of an ‘in situ tissue engineering’-approach for bone defect healing
(Project Heads
Gelinsky, Michael
Rösen-Wolff, Angela
Clusters of Excellence
Completed projects
EXC 168: Regenerative Therapies - From Cells to Tissues to Therapies: Engineering the Cellular Basis of Regeneration
Bonifacio, Ph.D., Ezio
Brand, Michael
Calegari, Ph.D., Federico
Tanaka, Ph.D., Elly Margaret
Additional Information
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