Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
Zentrum Innere Medizin
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik II
Oberdürrbacher Straße 6
97080 Würzburg
This institution in GERiT
97080 Würzburg
Research Fellowships
Completed projects
CRISPR-based functional genomics to dissect the regulation of multiple myeloma cell responses to perturbations of mutant RAS function: biological and therapeutic implications.
Steinbrunn, Torsten
Die Analyse von Dlx-genabhängigen Zellmigrationen im Vorderhirn der Maus
Stühmer, Thorsten
Engineering von ROR1-spezifischen CD8+ T-Zellen zur adoptiven Immuntherapie bei chronischer lymphatischer Leukämie
Hudecek, Michael
Maximizing CRISPR-Cas off-target detection sensitivity using high-density DNA chip synthesis.
Petri, Karl
Research Grants
Current projects
Identification of the early footprint of myeloma bone disease: spatio-temporal mapping and quantifying of extracellular matrix biomarkers in murine model and human bone biopsies
Jundt, Franziska
Zaslansky, Paul
Impact of obesity and hyper/hypo-mechanical loading on myeloma bone disease
Ebert, Regina
Jundt, Franziska
Completed projects
Adaptive response of bone to mechanical strain in a mouse model of myeloma bone disease
Jundt, Franziska
Charakterisierung der Expressions- und Aktivitätsveränderungen von Karzinogen-Transportern in entzündlich oder neoplastisch verändertem Darmepithel
Geier, Andreas
Charakterisierung der immunologischen und pathobiologischen Funktionen einer permanenten NF-kB Aktivität für die Entstehung von Hodgkin-Lymphomen
Jundt, Franziska
Effects of SRC kinase inhibitors on antigen specific T-cell-activation and proliferation
Seggewiss-Bernhardt, Ruth
Functional validation of novel drug targets in multiple myeloma by use of a targeted shRNA library
Jundt, Franziska
Involvement of the intracranial vessels in systemic diagnostic investigation of vasulitis using MRI
Bley, Thorsten
Hennig, Jürgen
Signal transduction in CLL B-cells: identification of CD23 interaction partners
Goller, Martin Ernst
Signaltransduktion der IL-6-Typ Zytokine in Keratinozyten und deren Konsequenz für die Expression der polyspezifischen membranständigen Transportproteine und Cytochrom P450-Enyzme
Baron, Jens Malte
Clinical Research Units
Current projects
KFO 5001: Peripheral mechanisms of pain and their resolution
Sommer, Claudia
Resolution of neuropathies caused by bortezomib and its successor drugs
Einsele, Hermann
Kortüm, Martin
Sommer, Claudia
Completed projects
Centralized sample preparation, pathology and preclinical in vivo models
Beilhack, Andreas
Einsele, Hermann
Rosenwald, Andreas
Characterization of RAS-dependent effector signaling pathways in multiple myeloma
Bargou, Ralf C.
Chatterjee, Manik
Steinbrunn, Torsten
gamma delta T-Zellen im Tumormikromilieu - Modulation der Tumorantigenspezifischen alpha beta T-Zell Immunantwort durch gamma delta T-Zellen
Kunzmann, Volker
KFO 216: Characterisation of the Oncogenic Signalling Network in Multiple Myeloma: Development of Targeted Therapies
Einsele, Hermann
Regulation, integration and impact of NFkB-signaling within the oncogenic signaling network in multiple myeloma
Siegmund, Daniela
Stühmer, Thorsten
Wajant, Harald Günther
The heat shock protein/signaling interface as a therapeutic target in multiple myeloma and in Graft-versus-Host-Disease
Chatterjee, Manik
Einsele, Hermann
Ursachen und Wirkungen von Transkriptionsfaktordefekten beim Morbus Hodgkin
Jundt, Franziska
Research Units
Current projects
FOR 2830: Advanced Concepts in Cellular Immune Control of Cytomegalovirus
Dölken, Lars
Personalized medicine - Risk stratification and prevention of HCMV-related disease in transplant patients based on MHC-I-ligandomes
Einsele, Hermann
Kraus, Sabrina
Completed projects
Automated design of a scalable, additively manufactured robot system for microinvasive interventions in visceral medicine
Lüth, Tim C.
Meining, Alexander
Defekte transkriptionelle Aktivierung in Tumoren lymphatischer Gewebe
Serfling, Edgar
Evaluierung eines neuen mechatronischen Single-Port-Systems für endoluminale-endoskopische und NOTES-gesteuerte Interventionen
Feussner, Ph.D., Hubertus
FOR 1321: Single-Port Technology for Gastroenterological and Surgical Endoscopic Interventions
Feussner, Ph.D., Hubertus
Koordinatorenfond: Single-Port-Technologie für gastroenterologische und viszeralchirurgische endoskopische Interventionen
Feussner, Ph.D., Hubertus
Emmy Noether Independent Junior Research Groups
Current projects
Prime-CAR Inspection: Enhancing Cancer-Directed CAR-T Cells with Safety-Validated CRISPR Prime Editors
Petri, Karl
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Induktion und Manipulation HCMV-spezifischer T-Zellantworten
(Project Heads
Einsele, Hermann
Jahn, Gerhard J.
Molekulare Mechanismen der Oncostatin M-vermittelten Signaltransduktion und deren Bedeutung in der Entzündung
(Project Head
Hermanns, Heike M.
Multimodal Imaging of Vascularization and Angiogenesis for Monitoring and Selection of Treatment of Colorectal Neoplasia
(Project Head
Meining, Alexander
Regulation der Herpesvirus-spezifischen T-Zellen Immunität
(Project Heads
Einsele, Hermann
Topp, Max-Stanley
Relevance of IL-6 receptor gp130 endocytosis to control inflammatory processes in the cardiovascular system
(Project Heads
Ertl, Georg
Frantz, Stefan
Hermanns, Heike M.
Strukturelle Grundlagen der Zytokinrezeptor-vermittelten Aktivierung des JAK/STAT- und MAPK-Signalwegs
(Project Head
Hermanns, Heike M.
Transkriptionelle Regulation hepatobiliärer organischer Anionentransporter durch proinflammatorische Zytokine
(Project Head
Geier, Andreas
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Molecular dissection of signaling pathways exerting bone anabolic and anti-tumor effects of physical stimuli in myeloma bone disease
Ebert, Regina
Jundt, Franziska
Completed projects
Analysis of the interaction between Aspergillus fumigatus and human dendritic cells and the induction of innate and adaptive immune responses to the pathogen
Einsele, Hermann
Analysis of the interaction between Aspergillus fumigatus and human immune effector cells and the induction of innate and adaptive immune responses to the pathogen
Einsele, Hermann
Current projects
Advanced CAR T cell engineering to augment the graft-versus-leukemia effect of allogeneic HSCT
(Project Heads
Einsele, Hermann
Hudecek, Michael
Bench-to-Bedside Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP) Development Platform
(Project Heads
Einsele, Hermann
Hildebrandt, Martin
Marckmann, Georg
Priesner, Christoph
Engineering of CAR-T cells that overcome MYC-dependent immunosuppression in a genetically engineered mouse model of pancreatic cancer
(Project Heads
Danhof, Sophia
Eilers, Martin
Gene-engineered CAR T-cells and macrophages to treat Aspergillus fumigatus infection
(Project Heads
Einsele, Hermann
Hudecek, Michael
Interaction of Aspergillus fumigatus with human natural killer cells
(Project Heads
Einsele, Hermann
Löffler, Jürgen
Terpitz, Ulrich
Novel tri-specific T-cell activating antibodies for personalized graft-versus-leukemia therapy
(Project Heads
Bargou, Ralf C.
Bumm, Thomas
Mokhtari, Ph.D., Zeinab
Stuhler, Gernot
One CAR – multiple antigens: Universal CAR-T cells that are chemically programmed to recognize tumors
(Project Head
Hudecek, Michael
Completed projects
Functional Dissection and Targeting of aberrant Differentiation through deregulated Notch Signaling in Hodgkin Lymphoma and multiple Myeloma
(Project Heads
Dörken, Bernd
Jundt, Franziska
Impact of regulatory T cells on human infections caused by Aspergillus fumigatus
(Project Head
Topp, Max-Stanley
Relevance and molecular mechanisms of zinc homeostasis in megakaryo-poiesis and platelet function
(Project Heads
Braun, Ph.D., Attila Laszlo
Hermanns, Heike M.
Role of platelet-mediated resolution-regeneration programmes of bacterial-induced sepsis
(Project Heads
Hermanns, Heike M.
Mirakaj, Valbona
Stegner, David
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
High throughput cell separation device
Optofluidic single-cell analysis platform
DFG Research Centres
Completed projects
Junior Research Groups
(Project Head
Hermanns, Heike M.
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 520: Immunomodulation
Hünig, Thomas
Graduate Schools
Completed projects
GSC 106: Graduate School for Life Sciences (GSLS)
Kisker, Caroline