Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Informationstechnik u. Medientechnik
Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenzsysteme in der Kommunikationstechnik
Rainer-Gruenter-Straße 21
42119 Wuppertal
This institution in GERiT
42119 Wuppertal
Research Grants
Current projects
1-Bit 3-Dimensional Imaging
Choubey, Bhaskar
Heredia Conde, Miguel
All-Optical Off-Pixel Resonant Demodulation for Very-High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Imaging
Gu-Stoppel, Shanshan
Heredia Conde, Miguel
Completed projects
3D-Terahertz-Kamerasysteme auf Basis kostengünstiger vollintegrierter SiGe-Technologie mit erhöhter Tiefenauflösung.
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Fundamentals of THz Circuits and Systems in Advanced SiGe HBT Technologies
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Rücker, Holger
Light-Field Methods for Terahertz Imaging (T-Field)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Numerical Toolkit for Design an Analysis of CMOS FET based Terahertz Detectors
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Silicon Integrated Smart Terahertz Source Arrays for Reciprocal Imaging (SI-STAR)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Spatially-Mapped Mobile Terahertz Spectroscopy (T-MAP)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
TEASAR (TErahertz Active Source ARrays)An all-silicon reconfigurable terahertz source array for active imaging beyond 300 GHz
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Reinhart Koselleck Projects
Current projects
Terahertz Super-Resolution Imaging
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Integrated graphene-on-chip terahertz technology (INTEGRATECH)
Gensch, Michael
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Turchinovich, Ph.D., Dmitry
SPP 2314: INtegrated TERahErtz sySTems Enabling Novel Functionality (INTEREST)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Terahertz Chips Enabling Novel Functionality (CUBECHIP)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Wietstruck, Matthias
Completed projects
A fully integrated, multi-purpose Radio Front-End for wireless 100 Gbps (Real100G.RF)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Zwick, Thomas
A metal-oxide TFT technology platform for flexible RF communication systems - Phase 2 (10by10.com2)
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Riedl, Thomas
A silicon-based terahertz near-field imaging array for ex vivo life-science applications - Phase 2
MacGrogan, Gaetan
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Zimmer, Thomas
Terahertz illumination concepts for reciprocal compressive imaging in silicon technologies (LumiCS)
Loffeld, Otmar
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Current projects
Real-Time Multiband THz Passive Imaging in Silicon Technologies
(Project Heads
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Weyers, Sascha
Silicon Integrated Transceiver Components for Multi-Color Imaging and Mobile CW Spectros-copy
(Project Head
Pfeiffer, Ullrich
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Tunable THz Optoelectronic Tester
Core Facilities
Current projects
Core facility for high-speed 6G/THz radio exploration (6Gcore)
Major Instrumentation Initiatives
Completed projects
Terahertz Network Tester (T-Net)