University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
103 South Building
Chapel Hill NC 27599-9100
Chapel Hill NC 27599-9100
abgeschlossene Projekte
Memoria - Fama - Historia: Schlachtengedenken und Identitätsstiftung am lothringischen Hof (1477-1525) nach dem Sieg über Karl den Kühnen
Brachmann, Christoph
abgeschlossene Projekte
Integration impliziter Bedingungen zur gleichzeitigen Lokalisierung und Kartierung
Steffen, Richard
Logischer Pluralismus: Richtige Logiken und die Problematik des Dissenses
Stei, Erik
Internationale Graduiertenkollegs
abgeschlossene Projekte
GRK 1524: Self-Assembled Soft-Matter Nanostructures at Interfaces
Schoen, Martin
Untergeordnete Institutionen
Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease (CGIBD)
Center for Genomics and Society (CCGS)
Department of Anthropology
Department of Biology
Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
Department of Chemistry
Department of Computer Science
Department of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
Department of Genetics
Department of History
Department of Marine Sciences
Department of Pharmacology
Department of Philosophy
Department of Political Science
Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Gillings School of Global Public Health
Kenan-Flagler Business School
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Linnstaedt Lab
Peifer Lab
School of Medicine
Inflammatory Disease Institute (aufgelöst)
UNC Center for Functional GI and Motility Disorders