Universität Trier
Fachbereich VI - Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften
Fach Bodenkunde
Campus II, Behringstraße
54296 Trier
This institution in GERiT
54296 Trier
Research Grants
Completed projects
Assessing Soil Organic Matter (SOM) on a Landscape Scale by Combining Non-Invasive (Spectroscopic) and Invasive Methods
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Vohland, Michael
Transformation and fixation of antibiotic pharmaceutical compounds in the pleasure of humic moments and organic soil substrances
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Heisenberg Fellowships
Completed projects
Untersuchungen zur Charakterisierung, Optimierung und Prognose des mikrobiellen PAK-Abbaus sowie zur Abschätzung der für Pflanzen verfügbaren PAK-Fraktion
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Research Units
Completed projects
Effects of Veterinary Medicines on the Structural Diversity of the Microbial Community in the Rhizosphere under the Impact of temporal Moisture Gradients- GradMic
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Veterinary medicinal effects on the prokaryotic structural diversity in soil microcopartments - VMMic
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Coordination Funds
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Energy Structures - Energy sustains dissipative structures in soil systems
Maskow, Thomas
Schaumann, Gabriele
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
SPP 2322: Systems ecology of soils – Energy Discharge Modulated by Microbiome and Boundary Conditions (SoilSystems)
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Completed projects
Hydration affected soil:water sorption processes of xenobiotics - experiments and modeling approaches
Thiele-Bruhn, Sören
Collaborative Research Centres
Completed projects
Lebensraumfunktion von Böden im Wandel von Flächenntzung und - bewirtschaftung
(Project Head
Emmerling, Christoph
Nachhaltiges regionales Stoffkreislauf- und Ressourcenmanagement in Landwirtschaft und Weinbau, exemplarisch dargestellt in der Region Trier
(Project Heads
Emmerling, Christoph
Müller, Paul
Ruthsatz, Barbara
Schröder, Dietmar
Umweltgerechte Bodennutzung in agrarisch und urban genutzten räumen zur Reduzierung von Abfluss, Bodenverdichtung und Bodenerosion
(Project Heads
Kneisel, Christof
Schneider, Raimund
Schröder, Dietmar
Tressel, Elisabeth
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1319: Cooperation of Science and Jurisprudence in Improving Development and Use of Standards for Integrated Environmental Protection
Proelß, Alexander