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Universität Siegen
Institut für Kommunikations- und Informationstechnik
Lehrstuhl für Höchstfrequenztechnik und Quantenelektronik
Hölderlinstraße 3
57076 Siegen
This institution in GERiT
57076 Siegen
Research Units
Current projects
Coherent L2S THz Imaging Systems
Haring Bolívar, Peter
FOR 5336: KI-FOR Learning to Sense
Möller, Michael
Priority Programmes
Current projects
Microfluidic Active-Feedback THz Biosensor for Direct, Sensitive and Selective Exosome and Virus Detection in Aqueous Environments (“MATISSE”)
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin
Choubey, Bhaskar
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Completed projects
Kohärente Intrabanddynamik elektronischer Wellenpakete in Photonic-Bandgap-Materialien
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Ultrasensitive marker-free biomolecular THz-detection for tumor related analytics: PCR-free sensitivity, biomolecular extension and biological relevance
Bosserhoff, Anja-Katrin
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Wigger, Anna Katharina
Research Grants
Current projects
Ultra-sensitive nonlinear amorphous silicon photodetectors for futures 3D imaging applications (ULTRA-SENSE 3D)
Bablich, Ph.D., Andreas
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Completed projects
Aperturlose Terahertz-(THz)-Nahfeldmikroskopie zur Steigerung der Ortsauflösung bildgebender Verfahren im THz-Frequenzbereich
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Dynamisches 3D-Sehen 3D Bilderfassung im Terahertzbereich basierend auf elektrooptischer Detektion (3D THz Bilderfassung)
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Roskos, Hartmut G.
Hetero-Integration of Perovskite Lasers into Silicon Photonics (HIPER-LASE)
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Lemme, Max Christian
Mohammadi, Ph.D., Maryam
Riedl, Thomas
Interactive Multifunctional Confocal Image Analysis
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Kolb, Andreas
Oberflächenplasmon-Polariton basierte monolithisch integrierbare THz-Sensoren für Lab-on-Microchip Anwendungen
Böhm, Markus
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Towards Ubiquitous GRAphene based RF COmmunications - demonstrating and understanding graphene based plasmonic THz antenna potential and limitations
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Lemme, Max Christian
Major Research Instrumentation
Completed projects
Maskless laser lithography system for rapid prototyping
Science Communication, Research Data, eResearch
Completed projects
Open Access Publishing 2018 - 2019 / University of Siegen
Haring Bolívar, Peter
Research Training Groups
Completed projects
GRK 1564: Imaging New Modalities - Multimodal Image Acquisition and Analysis for Civil Security Applications
Kolb, Andreas
Additional Information
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